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Everything posted by sauss06

  1. Holy fu@#_@ rain.........Pick me up in your boat on the way past
  2. Strictly a guess, but i think we'll have wind later, but i don't think we will see severe.
  3. i doubt we see sun today down here i the Harrisburg region.
  4. Had a couple brief downpours that woke me up.
  5. yeah and 1 unit from my company is operating in Dauphin County on a working house fire and the wind isn't helping with that either.
  6. 100% agree............ i really don't want the wind either. i'll take sunny and 70 please..................and a cold beer
  7. The only reason i liked spring, it meant Baseball/softball. Oh and lilacs
  8. i thought someone dropped a bomb. It went daylight for a bit. Nice storm. sorry fells'a...............i'm ready for sun and warmth. not snow
  9. bastard, i just spit water on my computer screen laughing
  10. Its going to happen. Maybe not rural areas as much. Kinda gave me a weird feeling in my stomach the other night when i was issued credentials as critical resource during travel restrictions. I've been around during a lot of big time things, major rail accidents, TMI, Blizzards, 9/11 etc. and this is a first receiving this type of credential. I already have a huge file, seems like we get new directives everyday, sometimes multiples a day. Even changing by the hour at times. Mind boggling, scary and stressful.
  11. its sad for me to say this, as i like to stay informed, but whenever he is giving a presser, i turn off the TV or change the channel.
  12. at 2am the ground was completely covered
  13. Apparently it snowed and the ground was white around 2am. I only know as my BIL posted a RING video as someone was wandering our village trying to break into vehicles. When i left for work the ground was just wet
  14. i agree, but do think there will be isolated incidents. These times provide opportunity.
  15. To think that in my mind......................9/11 was going to be the most ****ed up thing i experienced in my life
  16. You're correct. Yet home improvement places stay open? I mean, if people don't have money coming in, who the F is going to do home improvements?
  17. Sorry to hear man. And agreed, not good. I'll think good wishes/thoughts for everyone.
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