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Posts posted by WhitinsvilleWX

  1. 3 minutes ago, dryslot said:

    I was going to comment yesterday that this resembles 2009, That was a very bad summer.

    Back half of July and most of August wasn't that bad if I remember right. It finally cleared up and we got some decent heat for those of us who like some warm to hot summer weather. But June was terrible, just like this. 

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  2. 3 hours ago, CoastalWx said:

    Dumbest time in our history 

    Not really. There's always been this level of dumb. Its just you didn't know about it because there was no internet. Now these stupid ba$tards have away to seek out each other and communicate. 

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  3. 14 minutes ago, CoastalWx said:

    Not gonna lie, it's been nice at times. But I'm looking forward to a little summer vibe. 

    Me too. The warm season is short enough with out losing June. Now its almost July. Said it before, the older I get, the harder it is to live here weather wise. My retirement house on the intercoastal in Wilmington, NC is looking pretty good.   

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  4. Yesterday I could actually smell the smoke. I can’t smell much anyway. Years of formalin fumes have fixed the tissue in my nose. But man, yesterday smell like I was sitting next to a fire. 

    And 46 this morning. Jeez I’m getting tired of this. 

    • Like 1
  5. 15 minutes ago, SJonesWX said:

    3+ days of misery mist, and all i have is <0.5" of rain to show for it. 

    Same here. Not sure I even got 0.25”.

    Had some classic sheet drizzle earlier. Not as bad as what I experienced in KFIT last Saturday though. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Ginx snewx said:

    No solar cover swimming at 65 with low dewpoints and clouds isn't my cup of tea.

    Crank my 400,000 btu and I’ll have mine to 83 in 2-3 hours. Mines 72 right now with a solar cover on. But I’d just as soon sit bare butt on a fire ant hill than get in 72 degree water. I took a 75 degree shower a couple days ago because the oil pump on the boiler shyte the bed and it damn near killed me. 
    Yea, I hate cold water.

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  7. 18 minutes ago, CoastalWx said:

    In 2015 Boston went 57 hours below 50 in early June. May have been like 5/31-6/2. That was the last time I had the heat on this late until this morning.

    Yup. I was running a fundraiser golf scramble that June. June 1 was a Monday. Course was flooded that morning and it was 46 degrees out here. Tuesday wasn’t any better. Ended up doing it in September. We’ve run that same scramble in early October ever since. Better odds of good weather then than early June. Hast been rained out since. 

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  8. 58 minutes ago, CoastalWx said:

    They must have used the KFS. Hate to see it.

    The sheet drizzle was awesome and that northeast wind just added to the ambience. Athletes wrapped in blankets walking around like zombies. 

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