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Everything posted by canderson

  1. 84 in my back yard and also at Cap City (CXY)
  2. Yup. I can def see how that's suck in wind!
  3. We went to Gettysburg with my in laws today and it was warm but not humid at all so totally fine. But it should be 15 damn degrees cooler!
  4. Up to 76. Prob hit 80 today and tomorrow looks like a sure thing (grid calls for 82).
  5. That’s it. Scratch beer is low-volume beer they brew that isn’t shipped but available at the brewery on draft and in cans. They used to produce it yesterday round but hips got too expensive for it so they just do in mid October now.
  6. Not yet but they’ve brewed rugged trail (brown ale) as a a scratch thankfully!
  7. Bottomed out way down to ……. 66 this morning. I’ve not work long sleeves yet. Shorts the last two weeks. Never-ending June marches on.
  8. Wednesday looks warmer than modeled - mid to upper 70s. And Saturday looks like it might dry up. It’s bee dry the last few weeks, could use a bit of rain.
  9. I live for rainy, cloudy days. They're the BEST. If it could mist all day with heavy cloudcover I'm in heaven. I really should live in Ireland.
  10. It appears next week we do get real fall temps. Lows in the 40s and highs in the low to mid 60s. Better late than never. Too bad we have an 80 degree gauntlet to go through Wed-Sat.
  11. My Red So. Salvaged a horrific sports weekend. That game was quite epic.
  12. im very very very drunk. Ihope it snows this month.
  13. Great morning. Now it’s time for Texas to BEAT THE F#@$ OUT OF OKLAHOMA. Please dear god beat the land thieves.
  14. 77 again - but it's not quite as humid at least. Dewpoint is 60.
  15. There will be some 80s next week around PA.
  16. 78 was my high today. It’s ridiculous lol
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