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Everything posted by canderson

  1. It’s a southern takeover in Harrisburg . So many plates from states south. We need a wall on the Mason Dixon line.
  2. Was on the phone with a client that's in One Bryant Park on the 36th floor and she said it was swaying quite nicely
  3. I had about 15 rain drops earlier but it's been sunny for a bit again.
  4. If any storms pop this afternoon there is a pretty good shot at it hailing.
  5. I very well might be wrong and have days mixed up. I’ve worked 16 hours every day since last Saturday Your government at work!
  6. I’ve been so swamped this week I’ve not been able to pay any attention to weather but thought we were expected to get another 1” tmrw.
  7. They cut wayyyyy back on rain for Thursday here. Like it’s not going to rain hardly at all. My grid is now for less than .1”
  8. Weather looks good for the eclipse. Remember to see it best @Atomixwx you need to state directly into the sun for 20 mins without any glasses.
  9. Rain looks like it’s done for quite a while - flooding is starting around HBG.
  10. 3.6” total for me. Winds aren’t much - max was 30
  11. Wait I screwed up math. 1.3” today, 2.5” last 24 hrs
  12. I’m at 1.9” rain since midnight. 2.8” the last 24 hours.
  13. Golf ball size hail for the parents. We’ll be there in 2 weeks, I’ll post wall cloud pics.
  14. Full Sun and 64 here at Bryant Park We went kn a 3 mile walk this am and man I got hot.
  15. It spotted a tiny bit of rain on us walking back to our hotel from seeing Lempicka tonight.
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