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Status Updates posted by dsaur

  1. Glad to see you can Google too :) I'm expecting big sleet reports from you this winter. You got your snow...it's sleet time in the deep south now, lol. T

  2. Glad we have this place. I look forward to your reports from up there near the line. Tony

  3. Good luck up there. I hope it sleets in feet! T

  4. Hey, Greg. Got my soccer ball snow flakes ready and waiting :) To be brought out for special emphasis when things get good on the maps. T

  5. I enjoy your winter time play by play. Hope you keep it up!

  6. I think I would have been in the dark ages without your take on the maps this winter. Sure glad this place came about. T

  7. dsaur

    Well, Larry, I think this is the year for the big sleet/and, or, ice storm :) I'll be surprised if it is snow again...but I've been surprised to see 3 years of snow in a row down here. T

  8. Yep, I think we'll see some good times this winter..of the sleet variety :) I got a 27 on two moniters and 28 on one early in the week, but my biggest surprise has been the heat holding in so late. T

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