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Posts posted by NCSNOW

  1. I fully believe these totals. The qpf will be there and is modeled by every model. qpf is the last thing we have to worry about with this one. Its all about the thermal profiles, surprising I know. So if you get a snow sounding, your gonna hit the lottery. Conventional wisdom tells all of us to shrug it off, to good to be true and I get that. But all you gotta do at your location is get the sounding and your Gold on this one.

    • Like 3
  2. Waiting on the clown map pastebombs tonight, showing everything painted 12÷ south of Mt Airy, BIG FROSTY.  He'll be shaded in the dusting color all the way up to the start of the event. Then when we post final storm obs he'll have 19 and rest of us will be talking about what almost was.

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    • Haha 7
  3. Oh I wish it was Saturday 12pm right now. Beautiful views on those webcams. Enjoy boys. Lets see if it can keep it up for 6 or so hours and maybe the nam wont look so foolish afterall . By my count this is event #3 so far this season and we still got 3 days of November left to go. Got out of the blocks fast this season. Can the winter of 18/19 be one for the record books? Well know in over 120 days

    • Like 3
  4. 3 hours ago, mackerel_sky said:

    Looks like we may have drank the kool-aid, for the awesome indices and cold December!? Not looking that amazing now! The smoke and mirrors voodoo, is alive and well! Looks normal for the next 10-15 days

    What are you looking at that makes you think this? If its the gfs 15 day generated forecast, i wouldnt put much stock into it. The euro will only get you out 10 days and thats just to Dec 1st. There is a lot of volatility right now as the global pattern is in transition mode. On the atlantic side it looks very encouraging and is what we want to see. Blocking AO and NAO going negative with alot of signs pointing towards us seeing both in the negative phase more so than the posotive for D,J,F. 

    The Pacific is what the models are having a hard time figuring out long range. Need a pac Ridge to set up and more importantly position itself where the short waves, energy coming can space out better and have the opportunity to dig under us,phase with ns as opposed to having kickers pressing them along cutting to our nw or miller B ing off the mid atlantic coast.  Id be very cautious in trusting anything LR on global models until the end of next week,. Once blocking is established and in place , working real time , then we'll be able to see if we can go up against climo and score an event.  Just beacuse indicies are forecast to line up in holy grail fashion, doesnt gurantee a SEHS. Im always in the minority, but id rather have a posotive PNA locked in and entrenched over a neg NAO any day of  the week ( if I had to choose between the two). Now if I lived futher north,in the NE then I'd be singing a different tune. Get me the cold and then ill worry about the moisture . With the modoki or low end moderate el nino, you average BN on temps across the SE moreso from clouds and above normal moisture not arctic outbreaks.  We all should be encouraged from where stand at this point and time as oppossed to discouraged. In 2009-2010, the year of non stop winter tracking events. We didnt really get our 1st big event till the 3rd week of DEC and I got white rain without a trace while 10 miles up the road had 5 inches on the ground. Course both paled in comparison to the foothills,mtns. This year there is going to be a lot of events that are mixed bags and have very sharp cutoffs, leaving folks on the outside looking in. So brace yourself for more  heartaches as oppossed  to the couple of "Glory " outbreaks we will get to expierence.

    Use the eps, watch it twice a day LR and youll catch the trends, pulse better for what might or might not happen.

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  5. 2 hours ago, jburns said:

    I'm hearing reports of a Christmas tree shortage this year. They say it is a result of the 2008 recession when fewer trees were planted by tree farmers. Trees planted around then are the ones being harvested this year. Some cut your own farms are reportedly not even opening this year. Have any of you mountain folk heard anything about this?

    We've had a family tradition for 20 years+,usually going to Sparta, Ashe County every black Friday and getting the ole tree. Happens from time to time where we have to go to different farms because the owners usually are aging out and dont have the resources such as health,kids around to help,etc. The majority of your choose n cuts are usually family owned and provide a extra source of income as oppossed to the main source. Wholesale farms are a whole different animal. But regardless of which business model a farm incorporates, if the profits where down then thats less they would be able to re-invest back into spring planting. So I could definitely see a shortage of supply to meet demand this year and next based on the economy from 8 to 10 years ago. I worked on a wholesale tree farm one harvest season back in the early 90s. Its a big investment up front and a long 7+ year wait for your return. Unlike other cash crops,you plant in the spring,harvest that fall and get paid. 

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