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King James

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Posts posted by King James

  1. 5 minutes ago, Crispus said:

    No flakes yet in Peoria, IL. Rain has soaked into the ground for the most part, and I don't think we got anything in the way of ice (or at least, I don't see anything now). The winter storm warning still calls for 5-9" (since ILX didn't update it, as noted previously), but I've been entertained by seeing other site forecasts jumping around from 8" to 3" to 6" just in the past 10 hours. Meanwhile, I'm seeing people predictably complain about school being cancelled, since nothing's happened yet, even though anyone paying attention knew there would be a morning lull  (though, I think most did think we'd be seeing snow by 10am).

    Watching the radar it looks like you guys are going to get rocked. What you get looks to be about what I get, keep us updated 

  2. 8 minutes ago, Chicago WX said:

    Think a WWA would suffice for here. Icing looks nil, and with the south bleeding continuing, 2-4” looks like a real solid call. Possible that’s too generous. :arrowhead:

    LOT updated their graphic not long ago and bumped our totals up. Has some of Kankakee county at 8+ now 

  3. Have a feeling this one is going to be pretty rough for my area. Backyard is already flooded and a mess and I still have drifts all over. Road I live on had water on it all week and caution signs were out. Roads won’t be right until after the weekend I bet 

    • Sad 1
  4. 24 minutes ago, Chicago WX said:

    Not feeling this one for here. Don't know why. But, if we got another dd storm, it would make for 4* such storms in a little over a year's time IMBY...Jan 30-31, 2021, Feb 14-16, 2021, and Feb 1-3, 2022. Quite a run.

    *Feb 14-16, 2021 was just shy with 9.5", but we'll round up to make the above sound better. :D

    And they still don’t plow 

  5. 6 minutes ago, Hoosier said:

    Lovely sight out there.  Still have trees and stuff pasted but there's quite a bit of blowing snow too.  Actually more blowing than I thought there would be at this point.

    Definitely a different feel out there this last hour. Woke up to big fat lazy flakes and now it’s really blowing around. Chiller and windier for sure. Enjoying this part of the storm 

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  6. 4 minutes ago, sbnwx85 said:

    Also showing impressive banding just to my west with 20 inch totals in northern Porter and LaPorte. 20 inches may not be realistic...but a good indication someone will get buried under good banding.

    Edit: Might be some lake enhancement there, too?

    Peoria to LaPorte = IKK jackpot if you ask me :)

  7. 43 minutes ago, Chicago WX said:

    Think I may willed this a little too far south after last nights NAM. :arrowhead: :D

    But I’m with you. It’s all overrunning for here now. Second piece looks like scraps. Only caution flag for MBY is how long does the flip to snow take. Going to waste some QPF on rain, so hopefully that all works out. Right now I’m thinking 6-10” for IKK storm total. Foot possible, but everything needs to break right for that to happen.

    Regardless, looks like an awesome storm for central iL and IN and on east. Would love to see someone pull a 20 spot out of this…

    6-10 is too low. The models have been super consistent with our area 

  8. 1 minute ago, Baum said:

    fairly decent consensus at this point. We're just watching every 30 mile shift because it matters so much on the edge. Which is unfortunately where were riding.  Nice looking storm. Many twists and turns still to come.

    Seems so. You head south of Chicago and models have been pretty consistent since Fridayish. Chicago crew just right on the edge of the big dog so I’m sure it feels like a wild ride to them 

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  9. 13 minutes ago, Chambana said:

    I’m almost shaking with anticipation and anxiety. We look locked and loaded for a historic event. The model consistency is just incredible to see. 

    For days now Champaign and IKK have been seeing amounts 20-30 inches. Feels like we never left the bullseye

  10. There is literally no point in arguing with pig-headed science deniers. Let them live their fearless, ignorant lives. 

    Nice man 

    If you found this to be an argument I apologize.


    It’s sharing


    Words matter. Reply to me directly

    • Thanks 1
  11. That's pretty much the entire problem, though. The science at this moment points to a significant number of people literally not being able to 'live with it' if everyone that can doesn't wear a mask in public while this pandemic is happening.
    I have an immediate family member that is temporarily immunocompromised that I'm trying my best to protect but it feels as if people like you just don't seem to care about the risk you are placing on others like him. You, unfortunately in this case, are a citizen of the same county as I am and it's entirely possible we may physically cross paths. While I agree arguments over the internet usually don't matter, what you do could very well affect what happens to someone I care about in the future.
    I recognize that is is a bad situation for everyone for varying reasons but I don't think it's a huge ask to wear a mask so those that may be in a worse situation have a better chance of getting through this. I'm not asking anyone to trust the government or what's on television but to have a bit of compassion for everyone else that needs it right now. I'm not personally in an age group that has to worry about this as much but I choose to wear a mask when I'm in public for the ones who may fight for their lives if they catch this.

    Are you aware of nonlinear warfare? For every link you can provide that say masks help, I can provide one that says they do not. And that goes for pretty much any “news” at this point. We are in deep and that much we can all recognize. You have a source, I have a source, and your neighbor has a source.

    Why is this? You and I could meet at a bar and I bet you could convince me to wear a mask if the conversation was sincere. I love my fellow man

    So why does the news, internet, tv, and science (CIG and Nature magazine 1984 Silvertooth sidebar as breadcrumbs), pin me against you when we are sharing the same experience and reacting differently?

    I consider the possibility that mask wearers and non mask wearers are very much alike and seeking the same resolution....a life free of fear.

    The source of the fear, IMO, is up for debate and where that conversation in the bar would naturally go.

    We pick up the tab at the end of the night and agree no matter what to help each other when the time comes.
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  12. But wouldn't being nice to your fellow man mean you would wear a mask out of respect to them? What if you unknowingly have the virus because you're asymptomatic? Is it nice of you to go out in public and be spreading your virus because you refuse to wear a mask? Isn't that being selfish and not nice?

    Now with that said, I do understand the logic of not wearing a mask. After all, viruses are always circulating around the human population. Maybe we should wear a mask in public at all times? But then again, we have immune systems for a reason, and should have a solid understanding of the science of what we need to do to keep our immune systems functioning properly at all times. But with Covid, it is so new and has proven to be quite deadly to some, so in the short-term, just wear a damn mask until we have a better understanding and a firm grasp on the virus.

    If wearing a mask is that much of an inconvenience, then one needs to reassess his / her life on many levels.

    I don’t need to reassess my life, though I constantly do, that’s growth. But if you’re ever in need I won’t turn you away. Thanks for the thoughts

  13. KJ I respect elements of your zen attitude but also have to take issue with elements of it - when individual freedom and choice are at the expense of others ability to enjoy freedom and choice, I think a commitment to staying in ones lane/taking your position and sticking with it becomes less zen and more selfish.  We’re (mostly) amateur weather enthusiasts who choose to understand more of the science behind the weather than our peers for the various reasons that make up our enthusiasm. When I saw the coronavirus thread pop up I thought it might fit pretty well given that it would be another very science oriented realm where we may take a little more of an educated amateur approach to discussion like we do the weather. Along that vein my contribution to the dialogue would be that in reading some of the recently published papers, the initial reluctance and conveyance that mask wearing didn’t matter was because all other known and studied coronaviruses to date were only spread when the infected was symptomatic. Only sick and symptomatic people actively spread SARS and the other studied coronaviruses. The medical and virology communities were quick to assume covid19 behaved the same until an overwhelming body of evidence started to show that for not entirely known reasons, a measurable percent of the infected are symptomless. Thus the flip flop on mask wearing recommendations, its as much to protect others from you in case you are infected unbeknownst to yourself as it is to protect you from others.


    We have this fierce contingent of our populace that embraces individualism and individual freedoms at all costs, with some reasoning that “this is what our founding fathers wanted”. First of all, that was 250 years ago, this is a wildly different planet now vs then, and second of all you’d do well to take a history class again if that’s all you remember - this American experiment and our statehood were and are about a lot more than individual freedoms. More so about each persons right to have the opportunity to thrive and be happy - not that you can do whatever you want. Mask wearing is more rooted in what we were and are about than your individual choice not to wear a mask. Just my interpretation and opinion. “Promote the general welfare”


    We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.




    I’ll address this only once cause I love this forum 

    But I do not share your trust in government and I question the intent of the implementation of television


    322 and 846 are numbers that have meaning and I’ll leave it at that.

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