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About powderfreak

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    Stowe, VT

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  1. 1.15” last evening and night. A nice soaking for the pollen.
  2. I'm not sure I ever saw pollen plumes like today. The increasing southerly winds really had it looking like blowing snow out of the forests, except the color was light green. There was a pollen wind-lip on the edge of the hood of my SUV today, blowing and drifting . Whiteface Mountain shared some photos on the official ski area account about the pollen the past couple days. Montpelier today. Wind stripping the trees.
  3. Pollen increasing rapidly. 1” last hour.
  4. Been loving the Stein overall. Would love if it didn’t rain for three months. Unfortunately this weekend looks wet.
  5. It was a summer evening. Those ASOS dews of 65-70F bring the summer vibe. I don’t necessarily like the dews, but can appreciate the feel/vibe as summer. Long daylight this time of year, 8pm dog walks seem just as bright as any time of the day in December, ha.
  6. It is an absolute steam bath this evening. Had about 0.30” rain earlier to prime the low levels, now it’s 82/70 at MVL this evening. First 70 dew of the season at the ASOS and it feels it after days of dews in the 40s.
  7. This post in the winter discussing a possible mid-month favorable snow and cold set-up… I’m like nahh not gonna happen and look at it skeptically. Here in the summer, I read it and I’m like yeah it’ll probably absolutely torch at least excuse possible… totally happening.
  8. Not right now. An entire month of -3F seems absolutely unfathomable. 86F here in the valley today. Average high is 71F.
  9. I don’t think people know what it’ll feel like if we actually get a -3 type month. Ice age stuff. And these are on the recent normals too, the 1980-2010 set would be even more.
  10. 84/48… another hot one… might get 87F or so.
  11. 59/55 at 10pm. Tonight looks like the “sharp temp drop in evening” time is over. No more 30s to low 40s. Last 6 days have been sunny high-diurnal days. Great stretch but it’ll come to an end. 3 days with mins in the 30s and 3 low-40s. Highs started in the upper 60s, with full sun, 6 days ago, only to end with highs in the mid-80s today. Nice progression over the past week of high-grade weather, but it’s like being a frog in boiling water. It just slowly sneaks upward over time. The first few days of June averaging +2.5 despite the coolish mornings.
  12. Don’t let the Door hit you on the way out.
  13. 46F for the low and tickling 80F at 11:30am. Fantastic.
  14. Another excellent evening. 55F now at MVL and local PWS, this is last hour’s obs.
  15. That 18z H5 loop is wild. Multiple strong upper level lows passing through, one snagging a tropical storm. This is a very snowy 2 weeks in the winter for someone, ha.
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