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"JUNE" Tropical Storms (1851-2013):

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Hey everyone,

This particular thread is from a revised and updated blog entry that I have written on WU. In it, we will continue our examination of the entire historical record (1851-present), with a focus on "June" Tropical Cyclone (TC) activity throughout the North Atlantic basin. A "June" TC will be characterized as one that initially developed at some point during the month of June (i.e. June 1-June 30). Those TCs (shown by year) that achieved hurricane (H) and/or "major" hurricane (MH) intensity will be designated by bold case print in the following respective sections.


Note: Those tropical cyclones that achieved hurricane intensity will be identified by bold case print.

3 = 1886 (3 H), 1909 (1 H), 1936 (1 H), and 1968 (2 H).

2 = 1871, 1902 (1 H), 1906 (1 H), 1957 (1 MH), 1959 (1 H), 1982 (1 STS/1 H), 1986 (1 H), 2005, 2012 (1 H), and 2013.

1 = 1851, 1854, 1857, 1858, 1862, 1865, 1867, 1873, 1880, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1899, 1901, 1904, 1907, 1912, 1913, 1921, 1922, 1923, 1924, 1929, 1931, 1933, 1934, 1939, 1945, 1946, 1954, 1956, 1958, 1960, 1964, 1965, 1966 (MH), 1972, 1974 (STS), 1975, 1979, 1981, 1989, 1993, 1995, 1996, 1997 (STS), 1999, 2001, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2010, and 2011


This is a visible satellite image of H Alex (at peak intensity) just before it came ashore along the NE Gulf Coast of MX, on June 30, 2010. It is the most recent June TC, of at least category two hurricane intensity, to develop anywhere within the Atlantic basin.

0 = 1852, 1853, 1855, 1856, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1863, 1864, 1866, 1868, 1869, 1870, 1872, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, 1879, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1890, 1891, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1900, 1903, 1905, 1908, 1910, 1911, 1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1925, 1926, 1927, 1928, 1930, 1932, 1935, 1937, 1938, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1951, 1952, 1953, 1955, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1967, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1973, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1980, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1987, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2008, and 2009.

Note: Storm #2 of 1916 (MH), storm #1 of 1994 (TS Alberto), and storm #2 of 1997 (TS Ana) were each a late "June" TC that didn't intensify into a TS until "July".

In addition: Storm #1 1857 (TS), storm #3 1886 (H), storm #2 1933 (H), storm #1 1975 (TS Amy), storm #2 1981 (TS Bret), storm #2 2003 (TS Bill), and storm #1 2010 (H Alex) were each a June TC of either TS or H intensity that at least retained TS intensity into July.


Note: These totals combine both Tropical Storm and Hurricane landfalls (i.e. all named storms). Hurricanes will be shown in bold case print.

3 = 1886 (3 H).

2 = 1871, 1902, 1906 (1 H), 1909 (1 H), 1936 (1 H), 1957 (1 MH), 1968, and 1982 (1 STS).

1 = 1851, 1854, 1865, 1867, 1873, 1880, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1892, 1893, 1899, 1901, 1907, 1912, 1913, 1921, 1923, 1929, 1931, 1934, 1939, 1945, 1953, 1954, 1956, 1958, 1960, 1965, 1966, 1972, 1974 (STS), 1986, 1989, 1993, 1995, 1996, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2012, and 2013.

Note: Storm #1 of 1982 (H Alberto) was a H that delivered TS-force conditions to the Lower Fl. Keys of the U.S.


3 = 1886

2 = N/A.

1 = 1851, 1854, 1867, 1888, 1906, 1909, 1913, 1921, 1929, 1934, 1936, 1945, 1957 (MH), 1966, 1972, and 1986.


This is a visible satellite image of H Bonnie from June 26, 1986-as it makes landfall in SE TX. It remains the most recent TC of H intensity to strike the U.S. coastline during the month of June.


1 = 1957.


This is a historic radar image of category four H Audrey (near peak intensity) as it bore down on the upper TX and SW La. coastlines of the U.S., on the morning of June 27, 1957. It remains the most intense June TC to ever develop in the Atlantic basin during the month of June, as well as the most intense June TC to strike the U.S. shoreline.


1) All Atlantic Basin Tropical Storms:

a) There were a total of 88 TS or STS systems that developed in the Atlantic basin during the 163 year period of 1851-2013. This equates to a statistical mean of one TC of STS or TS intensity developing during the month of June every 1.85 years.

In addition: Storm #1 of 2008 (TS Arthur) was a May TS that maintained TS intensity into the month of June.

b There were a total of 33 June TC's that achieved hurricane (H) intensity during the aforementioned 163 year period. That equates to one June H every 4.94 years on average.

c) There were a total of 2 June TC's that ultimately achieved "major" hurricane intensity at some point during the month of June. These figures would constitute a statistical mean of one June major H traversing some portion of the Atlantic Basin every 81.5 years.

d) Hurricane Audrey holds the record as the most intense H to ever develop during the month of June. It intensified into a category four hurricane at 8 am CDT on June 27, 1957-just before it struck the U.S. coastline near the TX/La. border. At the time, it had a MSW of 145 mph and a corresponding barometric pressure of 945 mb. Moreover, it also holds the record as the most recent "major" hurricane to strike the U.S. coastline during the month of June.

e) There were 2 TCs of at least TS intensity that developed during the 2013 season, and are the most recent tropical storms to form during the month of June. They were TS Andrea and TS Barry, respectively.

f) Hurricane Chris of June 2012 is the most recent June TC to become a hurricane during the month of June.

g) The three longest periods of consecutive years without a TC developing anywhere in the Atlantic Basin during the month of June are 1874-1880, 1914-1921, and 1947-1954. In addition, 93 out of the 163 hurricane seasons (57.1%) in the historical record, didn't have a TS form during the entire month of June.

h) The 1886, 1909, 1936, and 1968 Atlantic Basin hurricane seasons are shown to have been the most prolific for "June" TC formations-with 3 each, respectively.

i) The 1886 Atlantic basin hurricane season holds the record for spawning the most hurricanes-during the month of June-with 3.

j) The 1957 and 1966 Atlantic Basin hurricane seasons each spawned 1 MH during their respective seasons.

2) All U.S. Tropical Storm Landfalls:

a) There were 64 June TS or STS systems that made a U.S. landfall (or strike) during the aforementioned 163 year period. This equates to one June TS landfall per 2.55 years. Astonishingly, a full 72.7% of all Atlantic basin storms made landfall in the U.S. This is a reflection of the primary breeding grounds being located in such close proximity to the U.S. coastline.

b There were 19 hurricanes that made a direct strike on the U.S. coastline during the month of June. This equates to one land falling June hurricane every 8.58 years. Furthermore, a full 57.6% of all Atlantic basin hurricanes struck the U.S. coastline.

c) Hurricane Audrey of the 1957 H season is the only known TC to have made a U.S. landfall, at "major" hurricane intensity, during the month of June.

d) Aside from H Audrey coming ashore at "major" hurricane intensity, there are a total of seven different hurricanes currently listed in HURDAT as making a U.S. landfall at category two intensity or greater. They are category four hurricane Audrey of 1957 (145/945), 3 different category two hurricanes that made landfall in 1886 at the same exact intensity (100/973), category two Texas hurricane of 1909 (100/972), category two Louisiana hurricane of 1934 (100/966), and category two hurricane Alma of 1966 (100/982). This would equate to a category two or greater landfall every 23.29 years. It is also important to note that the HRD preliminary reanalysis suggests "Audrey" came ashore as only a 120 mph category three storm. Regardless, this designation would still keep it as a "major" hurricane landfall on U.S. shores.

e) Hurricane Bonnie is the most recent June hurricane to have made a landfall on the U.S. shoreline. It made landfall between Sea Rim Park and High Island, TX. at 5 am CDT on June 26, 1986, as an 85 mph/990 mb category one hurricane. Based on the historical record, the U.S. is well overdue for another June hurricane strike. In fact, this current hurricane drought (of 28 years) constitutes the longest known interval the U.S. has encountered in the entire historical record.

f) The most recent "June" TS to make a direct U.S. landfall was TS Andrea of 2013.

g) The longest periods of consecutive years without a landfalling U.S. TS (during the month of June) include 1855-1865, 1874-1880, 1881-1886, 1914-1921, 1947-1953, and 1975-1982. In addition, 109 out of the 163 H seasons (66.9%) didn't have a U.S. TS strike.

h) The 1886 H season had the most land falling Tropical storms-for the month of June-with 3.

i) The 1886 Atlantic basin hurricane season also leads the way for U.S. hurricane landfalls-during the month of June-with 3.

j) The 1957 H season contained the only known U.S. landfalling hurricane that came ashore at MH intensity.


I will post additional updated blog entries threads (similar to this one) for the other respective months of a calendar year. With that in mind, the next entry should be a thorough examination of the entire climatological record for "July" TCs in the North Atlantic basin.

As always, thank you so much for taking the time to read and/or post in my blogs threads. I hope you have a great rest of the weekend! :)

Most sincerely,


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1) 1-6/25/1851$ 2100Z 28.2N 96.8W 80 1 --- (974) ---- --- BTX1
2) 1-6/26/1854$ 1200Z 26.2N 97.0W 70 1 --- (982) ---- --- ATX1
3) 1-6/22/1867 1400Z 32.9N 79.7W 70 1 --- (985) ---- --- SC1
4) 1-6/14/1886 1600Z 29.6N 94.2W 85 2 --- (970) ---- --- CTX2,LA2 ---
5) 2-6/21/1886 1100Z 30.1N 84.0W 85 2 --- (970) ---- --- AFL2,IGA1
6) 3-6/30/1886 2100Z 29.7N 85.2W 85 2 --- (970) ---- --- AFL2,IGA1
7) 1-6/17/1888 0600Z 28.7N 95.7W 70 1 --- (982) ---- --- BTX1
8) 2-6/17/1906 0300Z 24.7N 81.1W 70 1 --- (986) 1012 300 BFL1,CFL1 ---
8) 2-6/17/1906 0800Z 25.2N 80.7W 75 1 25 979 1012 300 CFL1
9) 2-6/29/1909 1700Z 26.1N 97.2W 85 2 --- 972 1011 275 ATX2 ---
10) 1-6/28/1913 0100Z 27.1N 97.4W 65 1 --- (986) 1009 200 ATX1 ---
11) 1-6/22/1921 1800Z 28.5N 95.9W 80 1 15 980 1011 225 BTX1,CTX1 ---
12) 1-6/28/1929 2100Z 28.3N 96.4W 80 1 10 982 1007 150 BTX1
13) 1-6/16/1934 1900Z 29.7N 91.7W 85 2 30 966 1004 275 LA2---
14) 3-6/27/1936 1600Z 27.9N 97.0W 70 1 5 987 1013 150 BTX1 ---
15) 1-6/24/1945 0800Z 28.6N 82.7W 70 1 --- 985 1011 200 AFL1 ---------------
15) 1-6/26/1945& 0100Z 34.7N 76.6W 60 TS --- 987 1009 275 ---------------

16) 1957 Jun TX, N4; LA, 4 4 945 ----- Audrey
17) 1966 Jun FL, NW2 2 982 ----- Alma
18) 1972 Jun FL, NW1; NY, 1; CT, 1 1 980 ----- Agnes

19) 2-6/26/1986 0900Z 29.5N 94.0W 75 1 --- 990 ---- --- CTX1 Bonnie

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ALL "JUNE" U.S. TS STRIKES (1851-2013):

1) 2- 6/30/1865$ 1800Z 26.0 97.5 50 TX

2) 1- 6/ 4/1871 0700Z 29.1 95.1 50 TX

3) 2- 6/ 9/1871 1700Z 29.2 95.0 50 TX

4) 1- 6/ 2/1873 1100Z 30.8 81.4 40 GA

5) 1- 6/24/1880 1500Z 28.7 95.7 40 TX

6) 3-6/14/1887 0700Z 30.2 88.7 35 MS

7) 2-6/17/1889 1500Z 29.1 82.9 45 FL

8) 1-6/10/1892$ 2300Z 25.7 81.3 40 FL

9) 1-6/15/1893 2300Z 29.9 83.7 60 FL

10) 1-6/27/1899 0900Z 29.1 95.1 35 TX

11) 1-6/13/1901 2100Z 29.9 84.6 35 FL

12) 1-6/14/1902 2300Z 29.8 83.7 50 FL

13) 2-6/26/1902 2100Z 27.7 97.2 60 TX

14) 1-6/12/1906 2000Z 30.1 85.6 45 FL

15) 1-6/28/1907 2300Z 30.3 85.9 50 FL

16) 3-6/28/1909 2000Z 26.0 80.1 45 FL

16) 3-6/30/1909 1400Z 30.1 84.1 35 FL

17) 1-6/13/1912 0500Z 29.6 91.6 60 LA

18) 1-6/26/1923 0500Z 29.1 90.1 40 LA

19) 1 6/27/1931 2200Z 26.6 97.3 40 TX

20) 1 6/15/1936 0800Z 25.9 81.7 40 FL

21) 1 6/16/1939 1300Z 30.3 87.6 50 AL

22) Storm 1 1953 June 6 TS (Alice) 40 (NW Fl.)

23) Storm #1 1954 June 25 TS (Alice) 40 (S TX.) *

24) Storm #1 1956 June 13 TS 40 (La.)

25) Storm #1 1957 June 8 TS 35 (NW Fl.)

26) Storm #1 1958 June 15 TS (Alma) 35 (S TX.) *

27) Storm #1 1960 June 24 TS 40 (C TX.)

28) Storm #1 1965 June 15 TS 45 (NW Fl.)

29) Storm #1 1968 June 4 TS (Abby) 45 (SW Fl.)

29) Storm #1 1968 June 4 TS (Abby) 40 (SE Fl.)

29) Storm #1 1968 June 5 TS (Abby) 45 (NE Fl.)

29) Storm #1 1968 June 6/7 TS (Abby) 40 (Ga., SC)

30) Storm #3 1968 June 23 TS (Candy) 55 (C TX.)

31) Storm #1 1974 June 25 0800Z-1300Z 45-50 Kt. (SW Fl., NE Fl.) STS.

32) Storm #1 1982 June 3 2126Z 35 Kt. (SW Fl.) H Alberto-offshore to the WSW of Key West, Fl.

33) Storm #2 1982 June 18 1400Z 35 Kt. (NW, NE Fl.) STS

33) Storm #2 1982 June 19 0200Z 35 Kt. (NC) STS

34) 1-6/26/1989 1300Z 28.7 95.7 40 TX Allison

35) 1-6/20/1993 0900Z 27.1 97.4 35 TX Arlene

36) 1-6/5/1995 1400Z 29.9 84.4 60 FL Allison

36) 1-6/5/1995 1500Z 30.1 84.2 55 FL Allison

37) 1-6/20/1996 0000Z 34.7 76.4 35 NC Arthur

38) 1-6/5/2001 2100Z 28.9 95.3 45 TX Allison

39) 2-6/30/2003 1900Z 29.3 91.0 50 LA Bil

40) 1-6/11/2005 1900z 30.3 87.5 50 Fl Arlene

41) 1-6/13/2006 1630Z 29.9 83.7 40 FL Alberto

42) 2-6/2/2007* 0600Z 25.1 84.6 35 FL Barry

43) 1-7/1/2010# 0000Z 24.3 97.3 40 TX Alex

44) 4-6/26/2012 2100Z 29.3 83.2 35 FL Debby

45) 1 6/6/2013 2200Z 29.5 83.4 50 FL Andrea

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All Known "June" Hurricanes (Max Intensity):

1) June 14 1886 18 UTC 29.9N 94.0W 30 deg 12 mph 20 kph 100 mph 160 kph -- mb (category 2)

2) June 20 1886 0 UTC 24.3N 84.9W 20 deg 5 mph 9 kph 100 mph 160 kph -- mb (category 2)

3) June 30 1886 0 UTC 25.6N 86.4W 340 deg 11 mph 18 kph 100 mph 160 kph -- mb (category 2)

4) June 29 1909 12 UTC 26.1N 96.5W 260 deg 8 mph 12 kph 100 mph 160 kph -- mb (category 2)

5) June 27 1936 12 UTC 27.5N 96.6W 325 deg 6 mph 11 kph 80 mph 130 kph 987 mb (category 1)

6) June 4 1968 0 UTC 25.1N 83.3W 30 deg 3 mph 5 kph 75 mph 120 kph 994 mb (Abby/category 1)

7) June 24 1968 12 UTC 35.6N 59.3W 85 deg 23 mph 37 kph 75 mph 120 kph 990 mb (Brenda/category 1)

8) June 26 1902 6 UTC 25.5N 96.9W 355 deg 9 mph 14 kph 80 mph 130 kph -- mb (category 1)

9) June 19 1906 0 UTC 33.8N 72.3W 35 deg 18 mph 29 kph 105 mph 165 kph -- mb (category 2)

10) June 27 1957 12 UTC 29.3N 93.8W 0 deg 14 mph 24 kph 145 mph 230 kph 946 mb (Audrey/category 4)

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11) June 19 1959 12 UTC 38.4N 65.3W 50 deg 61 mph 98 kph 75 mph 120 kph 974 mb (Beulah/category 1)

12) June 3 1982 18 UTC 24.0N 83.6W 35 deg 10 mph 16 kph 85 mph 140 kph 985 mb (Alberto/category 1)

13) June 26 1986 6 UTC 29.0N 93.7W 320 deg 11 mph 18 kph 85 mph 140 kph 995 mb (Bonnie/category 1)

14) June 25 1851 12 UTC 28.5N 96.5W -- deg -- mph -- kph 80 mph 130 kph -- mb (category 1)

15) 1854 0626, 1200, L, HU, 26.2N, 97.0W, 70 (80 mph), -999 (category 1)

16) June 12 1858 12 UTC 19.0N 85.5W -- deg -- mph -- kph 80 mph 130 kph -- mb (category 1)

17) June 22 1867 6 UTC 31.8N 79.9W 5 deg 8 mph 12 kph 80 mph 130 kph -- mb (category 1)

18) June 17 1888 0 UTC 28.4N 95.3W 295 deg 4 mph 7 kph 80 mph 130 kph -- mb (category 1)

19) June 15 1889 18 UTC 22.0N 84.6W 340 deg 8 mph 12 kph 75 mph 120 kph -- mb (category 1)

20) June 17 1893 18 UTC 38.3N 72.9W 55 deg 14 mph 24 kph 75 mph 120 kph -- mb (category 1)

21) June 13 1904 18 UTC 19.4N 77.7W 45 deg 11 mph 18 kph 80 mph 130 kph -- mb (category 1)

22) June 27 1913 6 UTC 25.2N 93.3W 280 deg 16 mph 25 kph 75 mph 120 kph -- mb (category 1)

23) June 22 1921 18 UTC 28.5N 95.9W 355 deg 10 mph 16 kph 90 mph 150 kph 980 mb (category 1)

24) June 28 1929 18 UTC 27.8N 96.0W 320 deg 11 mph 18 kph 90 mph 150 kph 982 mb (category 1)

25) June 27 1933 18 UTC 9.9N 60.4W 280 deg 16 mph 25 kph 85 mph 140 kph -- mb (category 1)

26) June 16 1934 18 UTC 29.6N 91.7W 350 deg 14 mph 24 kph 100 mph 160 kph 966 mb (category 2)

27) June 23 1945 18 UTC 27.6N 85.6W 55 deg 6 mph 11 kph 100 mph 185 kph -- mb (category 2)

28) June 25 1954 12 UTC 24.9N 97.2W 310 deg 9 mph 14 kph 80 mph 130 kph -- mb (Alice/category 1)

29) June 8 1966 18 UTC 24.2N 82.4W 5 deg 17 mph 27 kph 125 mph 205 kph 970 mb (Alma/category 3)

30) June 19 1972 6 UTC 27.2N 85.7W 0 deg 13 mph 22 kph 85 mph 140 kph 978 mb (Agnes/category 1)

31) June 4 1995 12 UTC 24.7N 86.2W 5 deg 16 mph 25 kph 75 mph 120 kph 987 mb (Allison/category 1)

32) 2010 0701 (June 30), 0200, L, HU, 24.2N, 97.7W, 95 (110 mph), 946 (Alex/category 2)

33) 2012 0621, 1200, HU, 40.5N, 43.9W, 75 (85 mph), 974 (Chris/category 1)


Category 1 = 24 (29)
Category 2 = 7 (8)
Category 3 = 1 (2)
Category 4 = 1 (1)
Category 5 = 0 (0)

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Possible historical occurrence in 2014?:

If the North Atlantic basin can spawn a TC of at least tropical storm intensity, it will tie the record for the most consecutive seasons with at least one TS forming during the month of June. Currently, the five-year span of 1956-1960 holds the record, exclusively.

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Another fascinating historical note:

The U.S. is currently enduring the longest period (28 years) without a "June" landfalling hurricane in the entire historical record (1851-present). The preceding longest period without a "June" hurricane strike, on the U.S. coastline, was 18 years (1888-1906).

Thanks to Roger Smith for suggesting I list this interesting fact.

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Glad to be a tiny bit of help, I guess July won't be a lot more work than this, but Aug-Sep-Oct will be formidable.


Anyhow, here's another statistical summary that tracks the changes over time in the number of storms. I chose the rather simple method of counting all named (TS intensity or greater) storms in consecutive 10-year intervals starting with 1860 when one first became available.


This is what I found, hope I counted right.




Decade ___ 0 __ 1 __ 2 __ 3 __ 4 __ 5 __ 6 __ 7 __ 8 __ 9 ____ mean


1860s ____ 4 __ 3 __ 4 __ 4 __ 3 __ 4 __ 4 __ 4 __ 3 __ 3 _____ 3.6

1870s ____ 3 __ 5 __ 4 __ 5 __ 5 __ 4 __ 4 __ 3 __ 3 __ 3 _____ 3.9

1880s ____ 4 __ 2 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 1 __ 4 __ 5 __ 6 __ 7 _____ 3.2

1890s ____ 6 __ 6 __ 7 __ 8 __ 9 __ 9 __ 6 __ 5 __ 4 __ 4 _____ 6.4

1900s ____ 4 __ 5 __ 6 __ 5 __ 5 __ 5 __ 7 __ 8 __ 8 __10_____ 6.3

1910s ____10__ 9 __ 8 __ 9 __ 8 __ 8 __ 6 __ 5 __ 5 __ 2 _____ 7.0

1920s ____ 3 __ 3 __ 3 __ 4 __ 4 __ 4 __ 4 __ 4 __ 4 __ 5 _____ 3.8

1930s ____ 5 __ 5 __ 4 __ 4 __ 4 __ 4 __ 7 __ 7 __ 7 __ 7 _____ 5.4

1940s ____ 7 __ 6 __ 6 __ 5 __ 4 __ 5 __ 3 __ 3 __ 3 __ 2 _____ 4.4

1950s ____ 3 __ 2 __ 2 __ 2 __ 3 __ 2 __ 2 __ 4 __ 5 __ 7 _____ 3.2

1960s ____ 8 __ 8 __ 8 __ 8 __ 8 __ 9 __ 9 __ 7 __ 9 __ 7 _____ 8.1

1970s ____ 6 __ 6 __ 7 __ 7 __ 7 __ 7 __ 6 __ 6 __ 3 __ 4 _____ 5.9

1980s ____ 4 __ 5 __ 6 __ 6 __ 5 __ 4 __ 6 __ 6 __ 6 __ 6 _____ 5.4

1990s ____ 6 __ 5 __ 3 __ 4 __ 4 __ 5 __ 4 __ 5 __ 5 __ 5 _____ 4.6

2000s ____ 5 __ 6 __ 6 __ 6 __ 6 __ 7 __ 7 __ 7 __ 7*__6 _____ 6.3 (6.5)

2010s ____ 7 __ 7 __ 9 __10 ______________________________8.3 (9.3)


* add one to 2008 and all subsequent years to get named storms active in June (Arthur from May 2008) .. (means for that adjustment are in brackets)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Possible historical occurrence in 2014?:

If the North Atlantic basin can spawn a TC of at least tropical storm intensity, it will tie the record for the most consecutive seasons with at least one TS forming during the month of June. Currently, the five-year span of 1956-1960 holds the record, exclusively.

Watching closely to see if the low, situated just inland of the SC coastline, will develop into a TC of TS intensity. If so, it will tie the aforementioned record for consecutive seasons with at least one "June" TC formation.

I will be posting a thread, in the next few days, detailing "July" TC formations for the period of 1851-2013.

Hey Roger, thanks so much for providing the excellent chart listed in the preceding comment. Very well done!

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  • 2 weeks later...

This post matches the one in the July thread and provides a summary of U.S. landfalling hurricanes and tropical storms by date in June.


 1 _

 2 _ S,S

 3 _ S

 4 _ S,S

 5 _ S,S

 6 _ S,S

 7 _

 8 _ S

 9 _ S,2

10_ S

11_ S


13_ S,S,S,S

14_ 2,S,S

15_ S,S,S,S

16_ 2,S

17_ 1,S,1

18_ S

19_ 1*

20_ S,S

21_ 2

22_ 1,1

23_ S

24_ S,1,S

25_ 1,S,S

26_ 1,S,S,1,S,S

27_ S,S,1,4

28_ S,S,1,1

29_ 2

30_ S,2,S,S




Dates for a few hurricanes were missing above:


6-27-1957 (cat-4 H Audrey) sw LA

6 -9-1969 (cat-2 H Alma) FL

*6-19-1972 (cat-1 H Agnes) FL, second landfall not shown in table, 6-22 NY/CT


(note: the 7-1-2010 TS would be in the July chronology)


ANALYSIS: There is a somewhat counter-intuitive lull around the summer solstice, perhaps some sort of transition from spring to summer circulations temporarily dampens the production of storms. The peak of storm landfalls around 26th is not really matched again in July although some days near the end of July have five events. See the July thread for the continuation of this table.

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