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  1. Most epic pattern since 2009-2010 is appearing to be a fail, so let's get the green-season party started! All things related to growing and mowing in our little corner of growing zone 8a can go in here. I went to the local nursery this weekend and picked up seeds and starter mix for this year. Planning to get first seeds under lights this coming weekend. Can't wait to get going!
  2. Figured I should get this going since I noticed some of the local early-budding trees (silver maples?) were swelling just a bit after the recent mild spell. I'm sure I'll have to mow in a couple weeks. That really got me thinking about getting my seedlings started, which I now realize is only about a month away. And let's admit it...this winter is toast anyways, so we might as well start thinking about spring!
  3. Let's talk about gardening! I know we have quite a few gardeners around here. I'm sure we all have advice to share. Post what you're growing and let us see some pics! I'll edit this initial post over time and add any gardening links or resources that are relevant to our region. Some links: University of Tennessee Agricultural Extension Publications - Warm and cool season vegetable growing guides tailored for our area - Pages and pages of information on soil management and pest control - Good ideas for planning your garden USDA National Center for Home Food Preservation - THE source for proper canning guidelines to ensure food safety - Also covers drying, smoking, pickling, etc. Old World Garden Farms - An excellent source of information on vegetable gardening, canning, recipes, pallet projects, and other DIY - I'm a big fan of their "post hole digger" planting method, I've had great success with it Back To Eden Film - This film drives home the benefits of wood chip mulching and organic gardening in general - If you can stomach the religious stuff (not my thing) you can learn some good gardening methods that work Carvers Links: http://www.southernexposure.com http://www.seedsavers.org http://parkseed.com http://www.sandhillpreservation.com http://www.johnnyseeds.com http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/victorygarden/ http://leapingwatersfarm.com/?page_id=16. (Our meat CSA...highly recommend this.) http://www.seedsofchange.com
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