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  1. A severe (K8) geomagnetic storm is underway. Perhaps it'll last long enough for viewing tonight and the skies will clear.
  2. Lets see your Friday night lights! I told family to expect a little DSLR fun on the horizon. Manage expectations. Wife and kid are getting into photography. Comet Neowise planted the seed. We didn't attempt technical Photography for the Eclipse. Oh but an Aurora in the South is exactly the time to use a camera! We headed out to a rural area because I had no idea it'd be visible in town. Or you know, in Florida! I was thinking 40 deg. N best case and we ain't there. Well, geomagnetic latitude we are, but whatever. I was not expecting what happened. Got to get gas and I could see green northeast from the bright gas station canopy! We found a suitable semi-dark spot. No time to find perfect in a small town I don't know. Williamsburg, KY very friendly but not dark, ha. We settled for a building with no lights in its parking lot. Some of these pics are from there. Then the neighbor took one of it hitting our house, lol! Highlights are starbursts and the like Overhead! Aurora all-quads also has a nice ring to it! It was absolutely in the southern sky too. We had much better naked eye traveling than staying in town. Sharing with family was meaningful vs my usual chase partner (sorry dude). What a blessing!
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