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Will - Rutgers

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Everything posted by Will - Rutgers

  1. because of weather or just in general
  2. i want a subforum for the part of my complex's parking lot that gets all the snowmelt runoff that freezes overnight and has been trying to kill me every winter morning for 5 years and then i can bitch about the parking lot being a sheet of black ice in the observation/nowcast thread and someone can respond If yOU dOn'T LiKE iCe MOve tO FLoRiDa, yeah thanks for that insight captain dipshit
  3. punishing wind and cold outside oh, and dry. dews below 0 F at the moment
  4. psssh what does anyone from Pennsylvania know about weather? cloudy with a chance of 100% chance of Eagles suck. you're gonna see that in your point and click every Sunday and it's probably in the Farmer's Almanac too.
  5. weather forum people are all weird especially moderators
  6. when people ask me about my biggest accomplishments i tell them that i am a top 5 shitposter on the world's largest graupel enthusiast forum
  7. as a small child i watched that movie on VHS like 60 times
  8. also i prayed for snow and god hates me i was like "hey Man anything but cold dry wind" and He said "extra large misery combo meal coming right up you big idiot" at least i got fries out of it
  9. you always have wise words to share my friend
  10. hey good luck with all that, nobody can blame you for being stressed, that's a bunch of huge decisions.
  11. fyi my favorite type of weather is better than your favorite type of weather and if you disagree you should obviously move to another country or planet
  12. it was a footlong chicken breast but due to ratios the bread was only 6". all the vegetables fell off and i got mustard all over my face. my worst forecast bust since i burned that pot roast Christmas 2017.
  13. my guesses for the future are far less ambitious, i barely know what i am eating for lunch
  14. every day we stray further from god
  15. i asked the same question, i guess it's telling that none of the AFDs mentioned TOR (that i saw). i guess the helicity isn't really there, and this is more of straight line wind event but it's being driven by the warm front? idk this is a weird one.
  16. i'm just asking a question, have no idea if that's even remotely feasible in this setup. NWS doesn't mention TOR at all.
  17. great point. we've had some ragers this year. this one though, if it pans out as depicted, looks like something special. it's coming in as a straight line top to bottom, almost no bowing, and runs the length of much of the eastern seaboard. can't remember anything like that ever happening in recent memory. the low its attached to isn't really showing a comma head of precip, it's like there's just a big wall of fury coming in at a right angle. question since i don't know where to find soundings for upcoming events: is there a TOR threat with the screaming S flow and what i assume is some directional shear as you climb through the air? i feel like events with strong southerly flow tend to be decent TOR threats for us.
  18. it was puking sleet in Piscataway before it abruptly cut over to heavy snow, and then the sleet came back. i am guessing it's gonna be frozen vegetable medley until the CCB develops.
  19. i could be having a heart attack in the middle of dinner and my grandmother would still be shoveling meatballs on my plate instead of calling 911
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