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Posts posted by TugHillMatt

  1. 9 hours ago, CNY-LES FREAK said:

    02-03' I don't think is that far off as well. My all time favorite Winter and I've been through some good ones but nothing like that one, at least up here, North of the Syracuse area. A constant barrage of synoptic systems with LES events in between systems. A dream of a pattern that lasted close to 6 weeks straight.

    Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

    And, unfortunately, BUF NWS doesn't have the summary for that winter.

    • Sad 1
  2. 8 hours ago, cny rider said:

    I’d say for my part  of CNY this year is a fail for foliage.

    More  than 50% of the leaves already down and colors have been underwhelming to say the least.

    Mostly muted yellows and browns.

    Im not sure why.


    I have noticed that as well. I was wondering if it was normal for the area.

    4 hours ago, BuffaloWeather said:

    I'm actually most excited for Matt up in the Tug. Unless I'm mistaken, he hasn't seen an Eastern lake effect snow band going full force. Hopefully we get a nice 12" per hour band going off the tug sometime this winter. 

    Thanks! I have never experienced a band off of Lake Ontario.

    I am starting to get excited with snow shower possibilities showing up for next week.

    My boss here said that he has seen 2 feet of snow on October 24th before.


  3. 2 hours ago, wolfie09 said:

    Prepping for winter? Haha 

    Its been a little dry as of late, looking good for some needed rain this week..



    Dry as of late? It has been raining LOTS the past couple weeks...at least here to your east. The first half of July was super dry...but since then it has been rain rain rain.

  4. 13 hours ago, josh_4184 said:

    Awesome Man I am glad you finally were able to make your dream happen! I would love to exp a tug winter just once. Hopefully we have a great LES season for everyone. Can you provide a location on a map close proximity to your home? I assume you found work outside of the Tug?

    FYI, I think its getting about that time to fire up a new 18/19 LES Thread.

    Thanks! If you drew a line from Redfield to North Osceola, I live almost right in the middle and just south of that line.

    I am working right here on the Tug where I live. :)

    I agree...about time for a LES thread!


  5. 1 hour ago, weatherbo said:

    What are you going to use for snow removal?  My first year here, was not prepared...ended up shoveling and using a walk behind blower.  It was a never ending job.  Since then, I've added a 54" blade to my quad and even that hasn't been enough.  If a serious snow is coming, I almost have to go out once during and plow so that it's not too overwhelming for my quad.  This year I bought a Bercomac 54" blower that will cut down dramatically on snow removal time. It should be in by the first of November (fingers crossed).  So in all, I have around 6500.00 in snow removal equipment. And for me, I prefer blowing snow to pushing it with a blade... easier, neater, and you don't have the giant piles to deal with in spring.  And yeah, fulltime job! 

    Decent 1" rains fell yesterday, and the temp soared to 65 by 8 pm but back down to 34 this morning.  Winds howled last night!

    Chance of some light snow or mix again later tonight... inch or less grassy areas.

    Every machine possible! Being a small community, I have quickly learned people share things with each other, barter with services, etc...

    Plows, Four wheelers with plows, Tractors with snowblowing equipment attached, Bucket Loaders, etc...these are already provided and will be used. :)

    The plow trucks here are beasts. Their snowblower equipment just cuts right in to feet of snow.

    Definitely don't plan on seeing any snowflakes here for at least the next week with this STUBBORN SE ridge.

    Have you already had snow up there in the UP?

  6. 15 hours ago, weatherbo said:

    Wow, congratulations! Now we have members posting from all the major snow belts.  Can’t wait to see pics and observations from the area!

    Looking forward to it, Bo!

    13 hours ago, michsnowfreak said:

    Enjoy! I forget, where are you from originally?

    I am originally from Lancaster, PA. Lived in Spring Lake/Grand Haven area of Michigan the past 10 years.

    13 hours ago, BuffaloWeather said:

    Might be a bit difficult on some of the days. 

    Image result for redfield new york snow

    :P Already have had many conversations with locals that you have to keep up with it. It is a full time job.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, WestMichigan said:

    I am going to miss the updates from the Spring Lake/Muskegon area.  I guess I won't have to be disappointed reading how 20-30 minutes north of me got twice as much snow as I did.

    I will definitely be in touch with you about west Michigan weather. Hopefully we will both get socked with snow this winter!

  8. 6 hours ago, Hoosier said:

    Quite an upgrade.  :snowing:

    Ha...sure is! Hope you are doing well, Hoosier. :)

    6 hours ago, cyclone77 said:

    Very nice.  That looks like a pretty remote area.  Are you gonna have to stock up supplies in case you get snowed in for a period of time?  Doesn't look like there's too much around that area.

    Definitely a different lifestyle here. The closest small towns are Pulaski and Camden, which are 25 minutes away. While remote, bigger cities like Watertown, Syracuse, and Rome/Utica are all less than an hour away.

    We will definitely be stocking up somewhat, but they take really good care of the roads during winter here. The economy relies on people who come for winter rrecreation and spend money on food/drinks, fuel, and lodging.

    You should see some of the equipment that is used!

    2 hours ago, michsnowfreak said:

    Welcome back. Will be nice to read your discussions. Is it very remote where you are?

    Hey, bud. See above. :) Weekends are incredibly busy with people coming to their camps...and playing on their 4 wheelers, fishing, etc...just can't get away from people! Ha. During the week it is totally different and very quiet...it feels more isolated...which I love! :)


    • Like 1
  9. Hi, all! This.is "blackrock" who used to post from West Michigan. Made the big move to the Tug this summer...so needless to say, I am excited for some 300 inch + winters and will definitely be joining in on your lake effect discussions.

    Nice shot, Bo! Foliage is behind here...but has exploded in color the last couple days.

    • Like 4
  10. 15 hours ago, eyewall said:

    The weather wasn't really there for a truly visually compelling wide shot but I did this quick before departing for NC. This was near North Elba before getting to Lake Placid in the ADK's off 73 on 10.1.2018 (not processed, straight from the drone camera):


    Hi, all. I have been perusing your forum since moving to the Tug Hill Plateau this summer. Can't wait for winter to start!

    Nice shots of the ADKS.

    Similar situation here as to what many of you are reporting. The color show has seemed really slow...but all of a sudden...Poof! The past two days have been quite the change.

    • Like 1
  11. 2 hours ago, WNash said:

    It feels great outside today. Finally some autumn weather. Our maples are starting to get some color.

    Last night’s squall line involved no lightning and a three minute downpour, but hopefully a pattern change and lake influence will bring us more precip. Lake Erie temps are warm, so fingers crossed we can get some good convection for the next few weeks.

    We had lightning, heavy rains, and quite some gusty winds up here on the Tug.

    Fall colors are very slow to appear with the September summer....

  12. 9 hours ago, BuffaloWeather said:

    That's awesome that you're able to move around the country and have that flexibility! Since you're such a snow lover, would you ever move out west in the mountains or Alaska? I'm pretty much stuck in Buffalo for life because of the majority of my wife's and my family and friends all live in Western New York. Would miss them too much if I moved. 

    My wife has made it very clear she will never live in Alaska. Lol

    Plus, part of our reason for moving this way was to be closer to family and close friends. The west is way too far...and expensive! I don't work in the right field for making money. :)

    • Like 1
  13. 10 hours ago, wolfie09 said:

    Eventually I would like to :D Once I get a little more set up..

    Actually the Bennett’s bridge location is in NE Altmar..I’m pretty sure at one point they owned the 24 and 48 hr snowfall records for NY state..


    I live just south of “Richland”

    Looking forward to talking about local events with you this winter, neighbor! We have been going through Orwell and Richland many times as we go to Pulaski for our weekly needs. Checked out Salmon River Falls two weekends agp.

    • Like 1
  14. 5 hours ago, BuffaloWeather said:

    That's quite a few places. How are you able to just get up and move so frequently? 

    We are careful with how we use our money...and have been very blessed with how things have worked out. Our friends ended up buying our house in Michigan, so we saved thousands of dollars. Grew up in Pennsylvania...First two years of marriage we lived in Canada, then lived the past nine years in Michigan. It has been an awesome journey!

    • Like 1
  15. 54 minutes ago, BuffaloWeather said:

    It's actually better that your location is different than Carols, better data-set for the snowiest place east of the rockies. Make sure you join! The West events are the strongest bands for Ontario. Have you ever experienced lake effect off of Erie/Ontario before or only Michigan? 


    I lived in North Central PA for a few years, so would sometimes experience some of the remains of Lake Erie snows. I also was going to Niagara Falls during the 2001 event, so experienced some of that event...but mostly remember driving through Lancaster and seeing the highest snowbanks I have ever seen along the roads. Also lived in the Muskoka region of Ontario, Canada for two years. Witnessed some fantastic lake effect events there off of Lake Huron and Georgian Bay.


    So this is a new adventure along a different Great Lake. :)

    • Like 2
  16. I am definitely considering joining the network...although I fear Carol Yerdon in North Redfield will beat me out every time...lol. If you draw a line from Redfield to North Osceola, I am just south of that line..near Cedar Pines...right on the Oswego/Lewis county lines.

    This area is often JUST in the heaviest band that sets up on a west wind, does excellent in northwest wind events, and seems to do great with Orographic Lifting events.

    When you look at snowfall maps, you will see the heavier totals bend down this way.

    • Like 1
  17. 1 hour ago, BuffaloWeather said:

    2 weeks today from the countdown to winter thread. Oct 1st every year we start ours. This winter has some great potential. So many signs pointing in the right direction. The top analogs are all great years. 

    Wow, you guys start early! No complaints here. Two weeks from today is when this area can start seeing flurries. :)

  18. 12 hours ago, canderson said:

    Wow. Can't wait for your pictures this winter!

    I will gladly share them! ;)

    11 hours ago, sauss06 said:

    Dude thats fantastic. I agree with Canderson, can't wait for the pictures. Maybe give us a now picture, then 1 a month until prime time, then hourly will be great :lol:

    Haha! Will do! I can't wait to take pictures and video.

    11 hours ago, pasnownut said:

    Hey buddy welcome "back"....lol

    uh....thats closer to 200" #bragger


    I may invite me and my sleds up this year if we get a ratter going round here.  You've been warned.....hehe

    Hah...Sure! Come on up! The numbers are actually low. This area averages around 300 inches a year. Pulaski, Mexico, and Fulton are in the 175 to 200 inch range.

    9 hours ago, maytownpawx said:

    That is awesome! Don't be too upset this winter when the LSV gets hit with a 30" blizzard. We'll send some cirrus up your way. :)

    In all seriousness though, way to go for living out your dream. Can't wait to see and read your stories...

    Hahaha...no doubt. This area can miss out on the noreasters. Thanks for the kind words.

    5 hours ago, pasnownut said:

    Until you've seen 5"/hr rates, ya just havent lived.  Like snow or not, its just something to witness.

    Let me paint you a picture.....sideways snow and we had to pull over in Turin as we could'nt see where the intersections were.  Goggles would just fill up w/ snow every 100yds.  You had to go so slow that the sled was sinking and you'd just get stuck...

    Blackrock...enjoy every stinkin flake.  I will live vicariously through you pal.

    Oh, I will! Thanks. I am stoked for winter. Locals say they have seen 7 to 8 inch per hour rates. :)



    Thanks for the well-wishes all! I always appreciate this sub.

    • Like 2
  19. Hey, all. This is "blackrock" whose hometown is Lancaster. Well, it is official....I have made the move from Michigan to Redfield, NY on the Tug. Much closer to family in PA again...so will be joining you guys during my travels home in the time to come. Looking forward to 300" snowfall winters!


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