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Posts posted by TugHillMatt

  1. 40 minutes ago, CNY-LES FREAK said:

    Went up to Oswego today and it felt like the Twilight zone because there was snow up until about 3 miles from Oswego city, then once inside the City, there wasnt a flake of snow in the air, or otg,, weird!




    What a difference between the lake shore areas and inland parts of Oswego county this month.

  2. 2 hours ago, wolfie09 said:

    Some Meso models showed rain for Pulaski, but I didn’t believe it because everywhere else was snowing..

    Gotta give NWS credit, they put Pulaski at 1” and nailed it..

    The warming from the lake halted 2 miles to my west, from nothing to double digits and this wasn’t even a true LES event lol

    Have you been in town to see this is actually the case? What a sight.

    1 hour ago, wolfie09 said:

    We have a coastal storm and clipper potential between dec 5th-7th, being shown on all LR Guidance..

    Euro had a beautiful w/wsw flow event in the middle of next week but we know how that can turn out lol 

    Only matter of time before me and Matt see a true westerly flow, December is usually a great month for those east of the lake..


    I sure hope so! :)


    Snow has been heavier this afternoon and evening than it was this morning.

    • Like 1
  3. 26 minutes ago, wolfie09 said:

    Feels good to have a solid covering again, as i briefly had a patches of grass this morning..

    Granted it probably won't last too long anyway..

    Snowing pretty good at the moment ..



    Looks like your grass just got covered up? Snow pack looks pretty thin there. I haven't been in Pulaski for over a week. I will have to head down there soon to check out the difference from here.

  4. 3 minutes ago, CNY-WXFREAK said:

    I agree, I guess no one's in Niagara County to get a report from, but that's hard to believe, no?  Anyway, over here, on the other side of the Lake its still snizzling outside with a temp of 32F but still quite a bit of drip, drip going on, which I absolutely despise.  Anyway, it looks juicy up North but by the time it reaches us its all used up, lol, practically dries out.  Nothing is going on to my South, like South of Syracuse around Tully and Cortland where the highest totals are expected to be so IDK what's going on.

    Yeah, this has been an odd system to observe and try to figure out.

  5. Hmm, hoping this isn't a winter of all NW flow events....still primed to get quite a bit of snow here. Sure hasn't been much westerly wind though.

    We lost ALOT of snow in the Tug this weekend. More than I thought we would. Still a 4 to 6 inch base of water-logged snow. That is down from the 16 to 20 inch base we had just a few days ago.

    Observations on trip home from TN yesterday (taken late last night): No snow pack until the Elk county, pa and Bradford, pa areas. Solid snow cover along 86. Second deepest snowpack of the trip was on the hills between Allegany and Dansville. Came down the hill on 36 and snowpack disappeared immediately in Dansville proper. Just a few patches from there up 390 to Rochester. This continued on 90 until Van Buren. Then snowpack increased from there up I 81 to the Parish exit where we got off. Even in this area, there were large patches of grass amongst a general snowpack. Solid snowcover did not return until we got to Amboy/Williamstown area. Then up 17 snowpack kept getting deeper as we arrived to Redfield. Even where I live, up the hill from Redfield, we have more snow than down in town.

    Temps varied from 31 down in the higher elevations of the Southern Tier to mid to upoer 30s in the Finger Lakes to 42 along 90 in Rochester area over towards Syracuse, then dropped to the mid 30s once we got to the Tug, with 34 at my house.

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  6. I have been down in sunny 60 degree Tennessee the past few days, so haven't been paying too much attention. Will be home on Monday. Stupid GFS...consistently showed West wind for days and then changes its tune. On the EURO, I am just below the 2" line. I will gladly take the Icon, as a west wind perfectly nails my location. Looks like between Carol and me...somebody will get quite the snowfall....hedged slightly in her favor. She does better in a sw wind...

  7. 1 hour ago, WNash said:

    Watertown has actually had multiple great LES events in recent years. Buffalo used to get a good event every few years, but it has been over a decade since a big event hit the city from downtown to the north. There have been several great chances for a big snow on the last five years, but every time there’s a great set-up, one variable - shear, moisture, flow, temp profile - changes during the nowcast.

    It’s either a very bad run of luck or a climatological problem. Unfortunately, it keeps happening. Last year we got bailed out by several moderate synoptic events in the last third of the season, but we have had a run of anomalously low LES years recently.

    How much snow, excluding southern Erie, has the Buffalo area had so far?

  8. SW flow lake events are more rare just because of the climate of the Great Lakes. Not the main wind flow. But when they do happen...BAM! In Michigan, I lived in an area that was amazing during SW flow events, but struggled with many other wind directions. Plus, snow can melt rapidly when a Sw flow of mild air from the gulf works up.

    When you live in an area like Buffalo or Watertown, you definitely need to be patient in waiting for the big events. You guys still have all of December at least.

  9. 1 hour ago, BuffaloWeather said:

    Redfield has like 500 people living there. Not sure how much more rural you can get than that without living off the grid like the Alaskan Bush people. ^_^

    :) Like I said, there are lots of cabins here. Even though permanent population is low, there are many second homes here. There are people from Syracuse, Rome, Watertown, Utica, etc... that come in and out of here. 

  10. Snow depth Observations from my travels through Upstate New York today. Most snow was in the Tug, just south of the 90/390 intersection south of Rochester, and south of Mt. Morris in to Allegany county (almost as much snow there as on the Tug...especially on the hill tops) Snow was also falling and covering roads.

    Least amount of snow was from west of Syracuse to Rochester on 90., where there were many grassy areas showing (Especially near the wildlife refuge) and down in the Olean area.

    Plus, in this area my wife and I saw something that we haven't seen for weeks on the Tug....this bright, blinding ball in the sky near Auburn and Seneca Falls exits. We actually had to pull out sunglasses! :P

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  11. 6 hours ago, (((Will))) said:

    How long have you lived there?


    I went through there before. I really liked the area. I was trying to choose between moving there or here on the Keweenaw...ended up choosing here because of the more consistent cold and more rural/isolated nature of the area (biggest city within 150 miles is only Marquette...and it's only 30k.)

    Hey, Will. Just moved here this summer. There was no way my wife was moving to the UP.  The Tug is much closer to our families in PA. I agree that even though very rural, we get too many tourists and "cabin folks" from the nearby cities for my liking. It seems the only way to get away from noise pollution and other people invading space is to live hours and hours away from everything. Most people would call the Tug way too rural to live in. I love all the nature and friendly towns that surround us here.

  12. 19 minutes ago, josh_4184 said:

    Oh yea, elevation is king, just wait when you actually get your first true LES blast with a 40-60" event should be anytime now for your area. My biggest events I would be lucky to hit 25-30" your area can double that if the conditions are right. 

    My boss was just talking to me about this...12 feet in one week...it has happened several times!

  13. 1 hour ago, josh_4184 said:

    Nice Glad the tug is treating you well, sure different then Western Michigan eh?

    Hey, Josh. It sure is! As you know, being up in elevation has made a HUGE difference. I got so tired of living in the Lake Plain, because every thaw killed the snowpack.

    Even here, we go 15 to 20 minutes in most directions and there is so much less snow there than here on the Tug.

    This is a snow lovers paradise.

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