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About F-5

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    Birmingham, AL

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  1. Is that an industrial area the Alexandria storm is approaching right now? That would be bad.
  2. Hopefully the cell SW of Alexandria will cycle, looks like it's trying to, but Google earth shows the areas just north of Alexandria are fairly well populated and this looks to go right over them in about 30 minutes or so.
  3. Chopper cam picked up the tornado briefly. It was huge.
  4. cc drop very evident. Chopper cam picking up power flashes. Eudora, KS pop 6,100.
  5. Upgrade for hailers, kept the 10% hatched for tornadoes.
  6. Waynesville and Ft. Leonard Wood in the path. That cell is very ominous looking. Would be shocked if something is not on the ground.
  7. guy on KRCG just said 'catastrophic damage' in Jefferson City. Taken with grain of salt....for now.
  8. Any ground truth tornado reports from Jefferson City proper? SRV out of KLSX really ticked up as it passed
  9. Whatever was down, and it appears it was down, went right through the middle of Jefferson City. Wish they had adjusted that initial polygon further north sooner....hope folks weren't caught off guard.
  10. Lots of neighborhoods in that area. Interesting this is the first update that included Jefferson City in the warning. Not sure why that was the case.
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