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Posts posted by fyrfyter

  1. Although I usually don't have much to complain about during fall, I figured we should have a place to banter.
    The IND discussion this afternoon had some sound scientific advice:


    Now what would be the fun in that? How am I going to catch a cold wearing a coat?
    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. 30 minutes ago, psv88 said:

    New Houses aren’t built out of wood in Florida or the Bahamas. Strict building codes. Maybe where you live in Southern Ohio houses are made out of glue, but down there new construction is rock solid. 

    New construction in Florida is the same crap built elsewhere with hurricane straps. What a joke. The Florida code is an ICC Code, just like the Ohio code and many others. Go read the residential part. It's the same spec for cheap junky wood.

  3. 15 minutes ago, psv88 said:

    Videos from the well off people appear to be from Freeport area, where wind gusts likely 120-130 range, which would destroy a wooden house, but won’t do too much damage to a newly built concrete house. These people likely know their house can withstand cat 3 winds and stayed, probably to ward off looting. 

    My fathers house near Naples was hit with 140 winds in Irma and sustained minor roof damage and lost his linai. He could have stayed and been fine, but no power or water for weeks... New construction is solid. 

    New construction is garbage. How cheap can we build a house? It's cheaper for it to be destroyed and rebuild it than to build something that will last. Look around, all the new buildings are built with glue and lumber scraps. Nothing is designed to last anymore.

  4. Not going to bother to count but for Dorian, I wonder how many individual model runs posted are on the left side of the NHC cone of uncertainty vs. the right side...


    I thought about this as well. Just looking over the last few days, it seemed like 25-33% showed landfalls. That's a big problem considering any one of those ensemble runs could be correct.


    I think this is a lot of the reason why so many of the states are clearing out there coasts. There is way too much uncertainty on this one. The forecast seems to change with each model run. If it were minor changes, I think they would have been more conservative on evacuations.


    I heard at some point, one model spread was 70 miles in width.

  5. Hundreds of weather wienie wishcasters are waking up right now with disappointment that their dream of 200 mph Dorian heading wsw at 10 mph to bring the apocalypse to florida is not going to happen as this thing is, gasp, following solid guidance in terms of slowing down to a crawl as he prepares to turn north and gradually weaken.


    I want to know which part of the weather models provided “ solid guidance” over the past week?

    Did it turn North and instantly weaken?
    • Thanks 1
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