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Everything posted by wolfie09

  1. If Biden gets 65% of the remaining vote he would have 624k of the 960k remaining ballots and the win..
  2. Yeah, trump is in trouble, obviously lol I calculated 960k mail-in votes remaining in PA, currently Biden is losing by 320k votes but tallying up nearly 80% of the Mail -in ballots so far..
  3. "Officially" No but we will have a good idea.. Nevada won't be decided until tomorrow at the earliest.. Pa may not be until Friday..
  4. Biden just needs to hold onto Arizona and Nevada to get to 270, making PA potentially irrelevant..
  5. Mail-in voting in PA..Now not every county is reporting..If this pace continues Biden probably wins PA..It's now less than 6% with 83% reporting..
  6. But yet the voting can continue in Arizona and Nevada, because he thinks he has a chance to win those states lol
  7. That's true BW but it also has to do with racial inequality, we all know the Democrats are more behind the BLM movement..And trump has a big mouth that can rub some people the wrong way..For the most part women do not like the president, more women have voted then man last time I checked..
  8. Look at Nevada, Clark county with more votes then the rest of the state combined..If Biden takes care of business in Clark county, he should win the state..
  9. Biden has more counties with potential votes then trump, plus he's leading and mail-in votes favor joe Biden..Fox news still the only network to call it..
  10. Not really lol, most of trump's counties are at 90%+ and he's trailing by like 85k..
  11. If you look at PA and the counties with at least 98% reporting, trump has 27 of the 30..Still 40% left in Philly metro.. Obviously PA still in play.. Overnight trump has a 690k lead which is now down to 466k, still about 20% not counted..
  12. Arizona seems to be at a standstill at the moment..86% reporting.. Here is what's left..
  13. Looks like Biden will win Wisconsin, though it won't be"official"..
  14. This was NY times an hour ago.. Joe Biden has won absentee ballots counted in Pennsylvania by an overwhelming margin so far, according to data from the Secretary of State early Wednesday. If he carried the remaining absentee ballots by a similar margin, he would win the state.
  15. The president still has a path, if he holds onto Georgia and NC, wins PA and overtakes Nevada.. Definitely a possibility..
  16. Michigan and Wisconsin counted many mail-in ballots last, 9 counties in PA didn't start counting till this morning.. Mail -in ballots are skewed towards the Democrats, probably 60-70%..
  17. Fox news is showing 95% for Michigan with a separation of 0.3%..
  18. Trump won Michigan, Wisconsin and PA by a total of 80k in 2016 what's fair is fair lol A win is a win..
  19. If you look at the CNN exit polls, 31% of Biden supporters voted for him to get rid of trump lol Only 14% of Republicans said the same about Biden..
  20. If Biden holds on to Wisconsin, Nevada and Arizona plus takes over Michigan , that's 270.. Assuming Maine stays blue..
  21. The president was leading by more than 200k in Michigan which is now down to 26k..
  22. Biden is coming back in Michigan as well, it's because they are finally getting through the mail-in voting.. Don't fall for the"mirage" lol In person polls were counted first in some of these states..
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