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Everything posted by paweather

  1. it's still not bad. the coastal didn't even get started.
  2. For Mag to post like this I don't need even look at it!
  3. OK. Are we ready for 0z yet? No sleep weekend coming up.
  4. Sold. I am checked in on the WC. I won't need to look at any more models for this event.
  5. Likely! But it has been consistent with this look. My goodness just sits and spins reminds me of a March coastal. Maybe the Weather Channel will be right?
  6. The coastal just sits there. This is what we saw earlier from the other Global runs. What is the ICON seeing that the other Globals aren't?
  7. Still the stalled look at 69. Come on you have to be right. ** and 72.
  8. It almost is like the NAM wants all of PA except for N PA to win on this if you go out to the 84.
  9. Thanks. Just seemed different with the Low placements and then the transfer. Not complaining, we get crushed.
  10. This is a weird run though 54 to 60 what is happening. But it is definitely a good hit.
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