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Everything posted by lokee

  1. Giving the Euro run and that I do not have access to the Kuchera rates b/c of premium membership so the high end my be off a bit but with the four models Central Ok looks to get anywhere from 11 to 17 inches of snow on an average.
  2. I agree but when I did these figures the latest Euro had not ran yet.
  3. Taking the GFS, GFS 16 and Canadian and taking the average between the 10 to 1 and the Kuchera from high to low Okc is looking at 11 to 18 inches. Yes, I know way to soon but even on the low end that is a massive storm for Central Oklahoma.
  4. You guys from Mo. talking about snowfall in Mo. with the GFS because what I am seeing is that basically from Okc West it has not changed much.?
  5. I have light snow here in Okc. We were suppose to have freezing drizzle tonight
  6. Could it be possible it snows all week next week? That would be something to see. This run of the GFS has me laughing at the amounts it is putting out.
  7. Some of the bigger districts in Okc are going virtual on tues due to the expected wind chills.
  8. Does have pretty good icing event for Wed and Thurs for Central Oklahoma on that run as well.
  9. Accidents all over Okc with numerous multiple car pileups
  10. Numerous accidents in around the Okc metro area due to the freezing drizzle. Most of the school district in Okc metro are open today and did not go o virtual. The drizzle was pretty heavy in some locations when I went to work. Most of Okc is now in the upper 20's for air temp. The weather advisory has been extended till 4pm on Monday.
  11. I heard stories that West of Okc along I40 it was pretty bad this morning. People had to be taken to the hospital .
  12. 32 on the North side of Okc and 38 and the South side of Okc with some very light drizzle falling
  13. Oklahoma County has been added to the weather advisory as well as Tulsa County.
  14. I was going to say the same thing. Pretty much pushes all the big time cold air out of Oklahoma
  15. This is the latest ICON run that ends 6pm Thurs. Most of that snow in Oklahoma comes from the front pushing South on Monday.
  16. How many confidence do you have in the CFS model. I use it to basically see what storm systems could be out there,
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