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Tornado Girl

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Status Updates posted by Tornado Girl

  1. I know...Right now things are looking like a 15-20 inch LES event...It would be nice if it was going to be more...but not bad for the first event...I guess time will tell.

  2. LOL

    I had a long drive home...winds were strong ..I had to hang on to the steering wheel

  3. I can always use more shoves

  4. 15 inches of snow here is a heavy dusting..unless there is a little wind with it that causes a little drifting....We will see if the Tug gets that much...I'm not one hundred percent sure that we will....but maybe.

  5. LES is different than the snow you get in eastern NYS...your snow has a higher water equivalent and density it can maybe be 6-8 to 1 ratio...Where LES can have a 20-40 to 1 ratio

  6. The winds are brutal..the windchill is 11-16 here

  7. I like your profile picture

  8. It says to say hello...So hello..

    Welcome to Americanwx

  9. Welcome to the forum

  10. They are very nice things to have.I bet your weather station has you enjoying the weather a lot more.

  11. Yes...most of it is gone ;-)

  12. Yes there is going to be a big storm around the 13-14 December timeframe. All the models are in agreement as to the storm, they just need to settle on the eventual track. It could be a Mid- Atlantic snowstorm, and/or a New England/ interior NYS storm. By Tuesday or Wednesday we will know.

  13. It could pop up as early as Sunday...time will tell

  14. How much snow have you picked up?

  15. I see that.

    I take it you like to hike...I've hiked a few of the High Peaks in NY

  16. I think it will be a good year for LES

  17. Good things always happen on April 10th

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