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Everything posted by Anduril

  1. Pouring again in Camp Hill(shiremanstown)
  2. Well technically Shiremanstown but Camp Hill zip code Up to .54 now EDIT: I like to pretend we're classy heh
  3. Dumping again. Somehow only .31in in Camp Hill but we were getting fringed for a bit
  5. Where did this storm over harrisburg come from? Nothing to pissing rain and now still steady rain
  6. Gonna be some flooding in Reading with those deep returns just sitting
  7. Im not liking our chances of the storms making it over the mountains. I have a feeling this ends up being more of an event for areas east of harrisburg
  8. https://fxtwitter.com/MeredithWGAL/status/1676539374261993472?s=20 video of smoke plume/fire
  9. I dont think south central PA has much if any Bureau of Mining Coal Distribution
  10. Was gonna say I remember plenty of coal mines driving through clearfield (and surrounding areas) visiting my grandma when she was still alive
  11. It does when I click through and not the preview. Its a monday
  12. There's a big cell down near Rossville which if the trend of the cells continues should take a western jog and if reality holds it'll fucking go east into everywhere else and go nuclear
  13. Nah man you dont get rain its just wind. HERE COMES THE WIND /me breaths on canderson's house
  14. Models weren't looking great for storms today in our area
  15. It was def hazy when I took the pup for a walk about 20mins ago but not too bad
  16. Shit he can just give ya two cases of Bud Light costs nothing then
  17. I hear there's a special on tarps this weekend
  18. wtf man I managed a Staples. SIR. Have some respect! Also we did carry shitty hallmark cards at one point. Hated that rep
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