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Everything posted by RickinBaltimore

  1. BWI: 6.8" DCA: 4.9" IAD: 8.1" RIC: 3.9" Tiebreaker (SBY): 3.7"
  2. Hockey season is upon us again!
  3. If anyone is taking the Skywarn online class, it was just moved to Wednesday due to the enhanced threat tomorrow.
  4. Can confirm, it's bad in SE Baltimore
  5. That's crazy, I'm about 5-6 miles away and it finally is stopped.
  6. Its. Still. Pouring. I can't remember sustained heavy rain like this lasting well over an hour.
  7. My dad lives in Fells Point, was on the phone with him when it was hailing there. Street is flooded from Fleet St down to the harborfront
  8. And the skies opened up over downtown Baltimore and Dundalk. STW until 615 here, pretty heavy rain.
  9. I'm on the waitlist sadly, found out too late. One of these years I guess...
  10. Speaking of rain, decent shower popped up right in Windsor Mill, raining heavy for the past 5-10 minutes
  11. It's hot but not oppressive out there. Not nearly as humid as I feared.
  12. 97/75/109 in beautiful downtown Dundalk
  13. 97/77/113 now in Dundalk. Sweet mother of God it's awful.
  14. I now know how all of you Caps fans felt last year. Alexa, play Gloria.
  15. 1976. Wasn't alive for 68-70
  16. I finally know what you Caps fans felt last year. Unreal to see the Blues finally playing for the Cup.
  17. Honestly, it's about time. A period of dryness would be welcome.
  18. I always explained it as a watch was "Watch out, things could get dangerous" a warning was "things are dangerous NOW". Basically be aware versus be active NOW
  19. Dry air and grey skies? Because as I read all these reports, that’s all I’ve seen here.
  20. I’m wondering if I just live in a dome. Nothing here at all.
  21. Looks like we missed out up here in Baltimore. Light snow but nothing of note from the 2nd round.
  22. Just shoveled and it was around 3-4” here. It’s pretty though, light powdery snow.
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