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West Point, NY

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Everything posted by West Point, NY

  1. Can see the tropical moisture over spreading the coastal front off NJ. It's going to come into ENJ like a wall shortly. I don't think virga is going to be a big deal until you get out to the western third of NJ /west of Middletown NY
  2. This is loaded with tropical moisture. There are virga echoes popping up into Central PA. We will be fine. A good slug of moisture is riding North into SNJ now and will get up here later this evening. We will moisten it up so it will snow in the wee hours as forecast. This is not your typical move off the Carolina coast and turn up storm. It was sitting just north of Cuba last night
  3. No freaking way. This will over perform for sure. The structure of this storm is beautiful and it's gonna bang a damn coastal front right into I95. Western Orange may only get a couple of inches but the closer you get to the river this will be a decent storm. I am going 4-7 here with ratios and starting a few hrs earlier than current thinking as precip is blossoming up that coastal front setting up just offshore
  4. A hair under 3.25 of snow/Sleet here in Harriman. Made the pack wind resistant.
  5. Nice size flake up here on 293 near West Point. Nice banding setting up to the south in NJ
  6. No continuity between Upton snow map and Mt. Holly's. I think they knee jerked, backing off after the 0z Nam, GFS, while 06z came back with more QPF
  7. It's like LE snow. Low water content. Piles up quick, disappears quicker
  8. Had a bit over an inch here yesterday, mostly from the last burst that came through around 7pm. Amazing how often it winds up we get some kind of fringe enhancement on the outer edge of storms that wind up bringing us in line with coastal areas closer to storm that are forecast to do better
  9. Strongly agree. I am enjoying the cat paws even though I know they will end shortly with just a little icy coating on the deck. I was in shorts 2 days ago
  10. Strange. No Sleet here at all. Cat paws when it gets steadier and rn/sn mix when it lightens up
  11. Flipped over to 70/30 sn/rn mix 15 min ago here in high Harriman
  12. Midnight here was about an hour worth of Sandy redux. Large trees snapping outside my window and the uncomfortable feeling the next snap could be on the house.
  13. And for the most part we are in the wrong latitude for 95/70 but that is what is trying to be defined as typical summer weather, which if not embraced, makes you a summer hater. Yesterday was an exactly normal 84 degree day IMBY with comfortable humidity. I enjoyed it very much for any outdoor activity. 95 or 70 dew points I will never feel bodily comfortable being outside for any length of time. I would say the same with - 10 windchills during winter. Doesn't mean I don't love 20 with SN+
  14. Can someone help me? It's July now and I still can't seem to find my Sonoran heat or Amazonian dews.
  15. But we can't rely on a cool point and click forecast from 5 days out. Got it.
  16. No mention of the low 70s offset to follow Wed thru Friday? Not exactly deep summer yet
  17. I'm with you. It's been sunny and 70s here both days and that's perfect for outdoor activities. Who wants to sit on the deck sweating with 70 dews, I don't get. People who still live at home with their parents and don't worry about paying to have the central AC going constantly I guess.
  18. You have a Merry Christmas and Happy New year too.....

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