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Everything posted by HoarfrostHubb

  1. I'm wondering if the winds still sent the debris into the drain due to the cracked concrete. Doubt it was a deliberate hoax... The chair in the wall is very weird, too
  2. I am so sorry for the tragedy that your fine city has had happen. I wish all of you the best as lives and homes are rebuilt. So many sad tales.
  3. I still remember after Hurricane Gloria in 1986 went through my 'hood it smelled of cut wood... had not heard the cut grass anectdote before, but it makes sense. Based on the video with the trampoline, with all of the leaves/vegetation that was churned up that would really make sense.
  4. So glad you are safe JoMo. This SNE snow weenie is glad you are ok
  5. One of our prominent SNE posters lost phone/power last year after a big snowstorm and he was offline for like a week. We were a little worried about him and that was just snow.(and he is the biggest snow addict I know) After what JoMo has been through (assuming he is safe/uninjured) it would take some time to come back online here. Not everyone's biggest passion is posting on AmWx. Hopefully he is getting rest, eating good food, and drinking some cold beers somewhere.
  6. Great map. As Josh said, amazing that it was so violent and intense and had suck a (relatively) short track.
  7. Philadelphia, Mississippi was the other also on April 27 Possibly 2 today (obviously before NWS survey, just based on watching feeds and what some of the chasers/tv mets have said)
  8. This is the year of the EF5 1500 still missing? Probably just the chaos but that can't be good
  9. I'm worried many in our (well, more like your, but you know where my mom is) area have grown complacent since 1938. I go over the evac procedures each year with my family that live in that area. They know they can come up here, but will they??
  10. I know that the fire chief's house was destroyed, but do we know how bad emergency services were hit?
  11. That debris that was picked up on radar was sick Debris up to almost 20K feet
  12. Yeah, the HS is pretty much destroyed. Was just reading their facebook posts... Big mess for the school district. Good thing graduation was at the college/earlier in the day Remaining schools and the college being used as shelters, etc
  13. I am always terrified of what happens when a big tornado hits a school while it is in session. The video from the helicopter clearly shows several schools destroyed, one of which looked like the high school or voc school.
  14. Any reports if any of the deaths were at the hospital? The structure itself looked mostly intact, even if it was all blown out. The cars/helicopter, etc showed it was hit pretty bad. The two previous posts by wxmann and CapeFear made good points.
  15. Maybe this was the biggest factor? I dunno... this will be examined in many ways over the next few months/years Nasty time
  16. MSNBC has that number as well... What a terrible year this has been
  17. I made a mistake on one of those posts... Worcester had 94 fatalities...
  18. Another report I read had a quote from the governor saying that the storm was so loud that people could not likely hear the sirens.
  19. Was this storm particularly fast moving? I have only so far seen one "on the ground" video from a chaser and it seemed to be tracking rather quickly. Would this contribute to more fatalities somehow? 90 fatalities so far, tying Worcester 1953... possibly many more to be found. Very sad
  20. X rays from St. John's hospital found 70 miles away as per CNN article
  21. On one of the networks (TWC?) Al Roker was at the hospital site and was saying he talked to a nurse who was on the 6th floor. They had been told a twister might be there in 15-20 minutes and it arrived in less than 5 minutes. Seemed to surprise people. Awful awful scenes. Can't believe this year.
  22. I can't get it to load... I get an error... I will figure it out.
  23. MLK seems to give us snow pretty often (or bitter cold) Good skiing other than the crowds
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