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Posts posted by HoarfrostHubb

  1. Reading the obs thread was funny, you kept reporting huge golfball sized slush bombs mixed in but you couldn't get it to flip to all snow despite those huge echoes over you. You went up to that hill and saw huge parachutes falling with accumulation.

    That was the most classic elevation event we've seen I think in the past 4 or 5 years here. 900mb temps of like -2C, 950mb temps of near 0C, and 1000mb temps of like +2C. We were the only two people that forecasted that event well. I remember you were on the desk for that the day before. BOX had like 7-12" for that in the hills here and I had 8-13"...while the TV outlets all had like 2-4 or 3-5" lol.

    I hope you haven't peaked as you have hit 30

  2. MEkster was a huge weenie during that 2/23-24/10 storm, he drove up to Diamond Hill in the obs thread to see parachutes falling. :lol:

    He had some funny posts in there.

    When you and he and Ray go back and forth at 2AM is some fuzzy-azz reading

    Even beter than when you troll the Yankees thread

  3. I had 11.5" I think in the first storm. It could have been a hell of a lot more too. It really wasn't supposed to change to rain until after noon, but it changed over in mid-morning.

    You called it pretty well...

    That could have been a great storm if it hadn't changed over. Potentially 20"er... but whatever.

  4. They are missing February 1995 in that total which of course was the only month we got a big storm. I think the real total was probably something around 30-34 inches. Still horrendous though. :lol:

    I figured something was amiss even though it was a terrible season...

  5. That's probably a great place to look up how YBY might have done in past winters. The coop was at 1,110 feet so not that much higher than you...and of course the next town over from you. Its too bad they no longer take records there. Ashburnham is decent for nowadays, but its definitely a good tick east of you...Gardner was right there.

    lol 1994-1995 15.60" total snowfall...

  6. No offense but I do not think Springfield tornado should compared to those other two events. It was a major event for this area but there is no comparision to the loss of life and degree of destructive that occurred.


    There have been a number of storms in other regions that have done worse than that this year in terms of damage/lives etc.

    Could not name all of them. Joplin is just about as bad as I can remember hearing of/seeing...

  7. Town meeting tonight. People picked up the right of passage papers to allow the gov't contractors on their property in order to remove debris. They have until June 15th to turn them in. Only 20,000 of the 3,000,000 cubic yards of debris has been picked up. In 10-12 days, temporary housing will be here.

    I was in the disaster area around sunset tonight and that was probably the most creepy thing I have ever experienced. There was nobody in sight, no birds chirping, no sign of life at all. Mix that with the sign of smashed up cars, destroyed houses and piles of debris and it didn't seem real. It was like being in a post-apocalyptic movie.

    Any estimates on number of people left homeless?

    I wonder how many will never return...

    I am so sad about what has happened to Joplin, Tuscaloosa, Western Mass, etc etc etc. What a horrible year

  8. I toured the entire area today. I can't believe the destruction and I got lost in my old neighborhood. Everything looks so closed in, but so far away. The only way you can tell there was a house at the locations worst hit is because there's a driveway in front of it. I did take some pictures and I have pictures left over from days ago as well that I will have to upload sometime. Someone requested a pic of Franklin Tech, I think a meteorologist, and I can clearly say Franklin Tech doesn't exist anymore. There are a couple places that still have bricks that are about chest high, the rest of it is completely destroyed.

    Is there anything we can do (is money needed, Red Cross, etc?) to help you folks?

  9. It is the highest official toll in a single American tornado since the 1940s.

    Today's additional additions to the toll have made 2011 the most deadly year since they started "official" record keeping in 1950.

    Obviously other years (1925) had more, but those were supposedly estimates...

    ... and it is only Memorial Day weekend. I hope we have seen the last fatality this year (doubtful)

  10. Ugh!

    This and the mistaken gas-station receipt in IN are almost disappointing, in a weird way. The Joplin catastrophe is so enormous, it's like we want special confirmation of it in these novelties.

    Is this one a deliberate hoax? The receipt was an honest mistake, and the folks who discovered it immediately came clean when they realized.

    I'm wondering if the winds still sent the debris into the drain due to the cracked concrete. Doubt it was a deliberate hoax...

    The chair in the wall is very weird, too

  11. I've heard that be described by people who have been through tornadoes before, the smell of fresh cut grass.

    I still remember after Hurricane Gloria in 1986 went through my 'hood it smelled of cut wood... had not heard the cut grass anectdote before, but it makes sense.

    Based on the video with the trampoline, with all of the leaves/vegetation that was churned up that would really make sense.

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