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Posts posted by HoarfrostHubb

  1. Forgetting for the moment that he very likely has no internet access... really??? Nearly half of his town has been wiped out, he almost certainly knows people that have been killed, and he may have to struggle to get food and clean water. And you assume he should have come right on the board and posted? Get serious.

    Look, we all want to hear from him, but we need to give him some time. The good news is that he isn't listed on any lists of fatalities or missing people, if the info we have on him is correct. So let's hope for the best, and respect that he's got more immediate concerns than posting on American.

    One of our prominent SNE posters lost phone/power last year after a big snowstorm and he was offline for like a week.

    We were a little worried about him and that was just snow.(and he is the biggest snow addict I know)

    After what JoMo has been through (assuming he is safe/uninjured) it would take some time to come back online here. Not everyone's biggest passion is posting on AmWx.

    Hopefully he is getting rest, eating good food, and drinking some cold beers somewhere.

  2. IIRC the main high school in Joplin took a direct hit, but everyone was at a graduation ceremony off-campus when the tornado struck, which would be very fortunate.

    Yeah, the HS is pretty much destroyed. Was just reading their facebook posts...

    Big mess for the school district. Good thing graduation was at the college/earlier in the day

    Remaining schools and the college being used as shelters, etc

  3. A more recent comparison is the Tuscaloosa tornado last month. Both were relatively close in strength, both went to cities of comparable size and the total damage area is each community looks to be somewhat similar (Tuscaloosa storm carved a longer path as the city is somewhat larger but the Joplin storm may have been a bit wider). The Joplin storm hit more tightly packed blocks of single family residences whereas in Tuscaloosa more damage was done to apartments. Hopefully we can get an idea of the number of people in the core damage path in Joplin (it was about 6,000 people in Tuscaloosa). Tuscaloosa storm was better warned, more visible and awareness was more hightened in general. Neither of the too community had many dwelling with basments. Mobile homes are a non factor in either case. Tuscalossa was a weekend, Joplin a Sunday.

    All variables that will have to be examined as do why so many more died in Joplin.

    Maybe this was the biggest factor? I dunno... this will be examined in many ways over the next few months/years

    Nasty time

  4. Sounds like, anecdotally, this one caught a lot of folks there off guard. Makes sense, Sunday night, people maybe less likely to be near a TV or the internet, family stuff going on, just not clued in to the approaching danger. Sounded like that from at least a few of the interviews I caught this morning while flipping around the dial. Saw one mention that this cell kind of "blew up" from not much to that over a short time period. If so, maybe that added to the surprise factor. Have not had a chance to go back and look at the maps of it as it developed yet and god knows how reliable the reports are on the major news stations, but that was some of the soundbites I caught.

    On one of the networks (TWC?) Al Roker was at the hospital site and was saying he talked to a nurse who was on the 6th floor. They had been told a twister might be there in 15-20 minutes and it arrived in less than 5 minutes.

    Seemed to surprise people.

    Awful awful scenes. Can't believe this year.

  5. Come to think of it maybe I'm thinking of the 2/23 storm which gave Will near a foot and I ended up with like 4 inches.

    2/23-24 of 2010 gave this area a foot - 14" of snow then turned to rain... instant cement.

    The pic is from 1/18/2009 Part of a medium 1-2 punch

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