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Lava Rock

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Posts posted by Lava Rock

  1. 57 minutes ago, tamarack said:

    Only the GFS op runs, but the mildest on the 16-day periods at Augusta has regressed from low 60s (with 2"+ RA) to low 40s (with small RA/mix events) over the past couple days - still 5-10° AN but the furnace seems to be burning lower.

    oof! that would have been terrible

  2. 31 minutes ago, ORH_wxman said:

    Agreed. The rhetoric is a little over the top on this. It's a pretty solid mild period and the numbers at the end will bear that out. Luckily, it's not going to set in for a very long time. It should be out of here by Xmas...my thoughts the past few days has been hopefully we can sneak in an event before Xmas. The transition period can sometimes be favorable for that. 

    at least it looks like we avoid the deluge next weekend.

  3. Did u get a vp2 or Vue?

    New Davis station arrived.   Hopefully will get it out in the field today.  Sitting in the driveway the low was 7.6F  4 feet off the ground.  Old Davis on the roof had a low of 11.4F.   30 feet vertical makes a huge difference.
    Fan is working fine on the new station but will not be able to get anemometer up there til probably spring.  Roof is still snow covered.
    6" of cement on the ground at my snowstake, but more in the woods.  Maybe, hopefully some bare ground next weekend for the animals.   Coming up on a month with constant snowcover

    Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk

  4. That's great.

    So I made my kind-of move up to Pit2 a month ago.  When packing, one of our indoor cats managed to escape outside and vanished.  My wife came back the next night and reported it was under the deck.  I drove down the following night to coax it out.....no sign.  I stayed the rest of the week; she was gone. Then the snows and November cold set in.....we were sad, but it is what it is.
    Fast forward to last night.  I came to Mass to make sure the house was still standing.  I'm watching TV enjoying the return to my wood stove, and both my dog and and I suddenly sit up because we hear meowing.  I'm like 'no way'......well, after a month Wilma had returned to a spot under the deck!  I'm so happy I came back last night--with the single-digit temps I'm sure it would have been a struggle for her to keep going much longer.

    Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk

  5. 1 minute ago, ORH_wxman said:

    Sounds like you didn't read the rest of the post. 

    nope. I read the worse part, but went back and saw the chances for some snow, so fingers crossed. Mother nature blew her load too early

  6. 39 minutes ago, ORH_wxman said:

    Mild up is going to likely last to at least 12/22 or so and I wouldn't be surprised if it goes right through Christmas. 

    This doesn't look like a December 2006 or December 2015...so no need for the weenies to totally freak out. But def going to skew above normal. As can be seen on some of the clown range runs, we can still get snow events in those types of patterns. Also look historically to the final 3 weeks of December 2002. That was an above average regime but we scored some good interior events (the coast even cashed in during 2nd half of Xmas storm). 

    awesome. Love a brown xmas.

  7. 1 hour ago, BrianW said:

    It has a solar powered aspirating fan. I have a few other outdoor temp sensors and it seems pretty accurate to me when compared to them and nearby stations.  

    the price of these newer units is attractive. I'm going to buy a new WS this spring and will likely go Davis again, but they are so much costlier. Although, can't complain about reliability. Mine's been going for 14yrs. Had to replace a board and solar shield.

  8. Pretty cool. Colorado based company. The only issue I see personally is you have to upload your data to their servers and can then view only on phone app or WU. I've been using weather display for years and upload data to my own site, which to me is better option

    The weather flow station Hazey referenced before is interesting. Claims it has no moving parts and uses an ultrasonic wind speed sensor and haptic rain gauge. 

    Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk

  9. Nice. I'll take my measly 6" and go home

    There was a COCORAHS report just north of Killington of 18" on 1.44" water this morning.  
    Mount Snow saying 19", similar at Stratton.  
    Once the upslope plays out, this will be about as widespread a 1-2 foot storm for VT ski areas as you can get.  Probably 18-24" for all by tomorrow evening.  

    Sent from my Pixel 2 using Tapatalk

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