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Everything posted by BaltimoreWxGuy

  1. GEFS?, disappointed in this group. Guess I’ll have to stop being lazy and check for myself
  2. I understand a lot of guidance says that but I would honestly lean 1-2” thru your area into Baltimore...2-3” north of us.
  3. Yeah not sure it’s that much better for DC but it is for Baltimore. 3-5am looks like a good snow band on the Baltimore and north area
  4. Just a weaker less amped storm I suppose? Faster northern stream push...
  5. Henry Marguisitys old rule of thumb for Baltimore was if St Louis gets a good snow then Baltimore does too lol. Obviously that’s flawed some. But it does look like they’ll get 4-8 from this
  6. This one is a classic track and storm that develops for someone in the Mid ATL to get 4-8”. Its how most of our area gets 4-8” snow storms. It just depends on track. As PSU I think said, If it’s along VA/NC border, we all cash in on 4-8” if it’s southern Chesapeake then it’s a north and west forum snow. If it tracks over us then snow is up in Central PA. It’s literally all about the track, it’s clear cut. No cold air damning to look at or other crap
  7. It would seem to be a nice hit for Martinsburg to Hagerstown
  8. The euro is definitely better but we need more. Low tracks over the southern Chesapeake. Mid 30s and cold rain for many of us but it’s closer.
  9. Honestly it feels like I’m just in the stadium getting drunk watching a terrible team (the orioles will be this year). I’m kind of annoyed with all these little storms. To not get a solid all snow/cold smoke 6’incher is disappointing in a winter where we expected a bit more. I understand that some people to my west/southwest have done pretty well but I really haven’t outside of 2 storms and even those 2 weren’t THAT great. Oh well
  10. I mean I agree that the focus is north of DC and maybe even a bit north of Baltimore but I think here in Baltimore I’ll see a little more than just a snow shower...my bar is 1”
  11. I’m not sure how you come to that conclusion...the area of precip that will be mainly effecting us hasn’t even developed yet
  12. I would imagine that I95 won’t get in too bad of shape. Especially having all wheel. I say go for it. Just drive carefully
  13. GFS not as impressive. Maybe it’s just noise but definitely less QPF in Maryland
  14. The NAM actually sucks lol better hope it doesn’t verify. The snow depth map is meager
  15. How did the NAM become the least aggressive model now and the GfS one of the most aggressive lol.
  16. NAM is enough to cause a closure for many lol
  17. Such a little baby storm but IF I get the NAMs depiction, id consider it my 2nd best storm lol...3 hours of heavy snow and 2-3” lol
  18. 4am panel on NAM sure is impressive. It’s basically advertising a couple inches in just a couple hours
  19. NAM is a bit less precip but yeah it’s stil a solid run for us to see 1-2”
  20. Not that I can tell..700 and 925 are plenty cold but perhaps someone better than me can chime in
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