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Everything posted by BaltimoreWxGuy

  1. NAM looking juicy at 84...should be pretty much in range by tomorrow morning
  2. EPS cutback some which is to be expected considering overnight trends but still shows 5” for DC and 4” for Baltimore. Can’t complain about that. I’ll set my happiness bar at 3”. If I can get 3” it’ll be my 2nd biggest storm
  3. It looks like the majority of GFS ensembles support a thump of snow but vary pretty greatly on what extent, there’s a few that are definitely 6+ so I guess there’s hope
  4. It seems like a weird depiction for the set up but it’s got support from last nights Euro right?
  5. Seems like it often over models northeastern confluence and wintry weather east of low pressure systems. Not sure it’s look makes sense given the players on the field. This is really what’s taking over for the GFS soon? We’re in trouble.
  6. We’ve never got NAM’ed. You know that’s not a good sign. I’m putting a fork in this up here in Baltimore
  7. Still a lot of time but GFS is going backwards. Looks like a big ol rainstorm incoming
  8. I’m sure you’d agree, but it may be good agreement but with this small-ish storm with such a narrow stripe of snow, those are still big differences to try to make a forecast on lol
  9. True I just thought it was funny considering he said must be over 21 lol
  10. I know lol but it seems like I’m never in a good spot
  11. Looks to be lifting north to me...break for a while? It’s basically dry in Dundalk. Not that icy either
  12. Yeah a lot of people get freezing rain and sleet mixed up.
  13. Who really cares if it’s not freezing on the pavement though, just my opinion. I don’t care I the trees are getting a little ice or the railing lol
  14. Lol I got a federal first time home buyers grant. I’m locked in for 5 years whether I like it or not
  15. I’m in 30 year mortgage. Snow is gonna have to find a way to come to me. I promise I won’t feed it thru the snowblower
  16. Painful to hear that just a few miles to my NNW is receiving snow and nada here in the Dalk
  17. Another dud for East Baltimore county. Under 1” of snow, got a bit of sleet and feeezing rain but nothing wild. Mostly plain rain now.
  18. I would say just under 1” overnight in Dundalk here. Now sleet/freezing rain. Roads don’t seem too bad but of course my friends describe them as being “terrible”. Yeah it’s Baltimore, the roads are terrible on a good day
  19. Looks like a lack of precipitation to the west to me...
  20. Radar actually looks juicy to the west. Probably weenieism though
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