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Everything posted by RUNNAWAYICEBERG

  1. Power back on in town and along southford rd, up to mi casa. Great job by eversource. They Still have a lot of work to do, but they’ve been aggressively at it.
  2. Sick. I wish I wasn’t lazy and had installed the outdoor security cams I’ve been procrastinating on. Would have loved to seen it unfold.
  3. Pretty sure Wiz should buy a pregnancy test for his girl asap.
  4. Shot of the 100ft oak? maple? I dunno, it’s a big tree.
  5. No house damage...but you know it was an extreme event when chainsaws were running at midnight.
  6. I care very deeply and the thought crossed my mind, multiple times.
  7. Fam in SBY good? no damage to the house?
  8. I’ll most likely, a good thing, never see anything like this again living here. Sick. Too bad I have to work today and leave for vaca tomorrow, otherwise I’d damage hunt around town and take pics.
  9. Ryans station did and doing awesome coverage. https://www.nbcconnecticut.com/news/local/Severe-Storms-Leave-Damage-Across-Connecticut-482728561.html
  10. That’s all I need, a CT chainsaw massacre. I don’t have one and I’m sure my local equipment rental will be sold out. But you’re far, that’s too much to ask for. I hear chainsaws running violently right now so I’ll ask around tomorrow, someone will help. Thank you though.
  11. There was a shed in the background, you can still see it a bit, but it crumbled. Definately not the Rockport TX shed.
  12. I do actually. Problem is I leave for Poland on Thursday until Memorial Day. I’ll clean up as best I can with limited time and need assistance on the front yard when I return.
  13. Figures, I ‘jack’ in severe...not my preference. As long as the dogs who were only home and house are fine, the rest is a nuisance.
  14. It Took alot to uproot the big girl in the front. Had to be 80mph+. Not like the soil was super soaked from days of heavy rain....this was straight wind. Actually happy because I wanted to cut her down anyway.
  15. “only allowed to upload 1.85mb.”
  16. Never seen anything like this. Total damage on the property, multiple big trees down. One right in the front lawn and another one down by the road. Back patio heavy furniture, which is blocked by the house and faces southeast, was knocked over and flipped upside down. Debris everywhere. Luckily the house is fine, besides pasted leaves against it everywhere. Trying to upload pics but photobucket is giving me a host error.
  17. Serious stuff back home neighbor sounded so panicky, damage all around.
  18. Southbury police confirming multiple trees down on Southford Rd.
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