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Everything posted by RUNNAWAYICEBERG

  1. drunk drivers threaten society and kill innocent people, so any drunk who drives should be locked up for a long time.....if we penalize equally. no?
  2. Dang you saying: You need to go smoke some weed and chill, just don’t get caught. I would hate to see you go to prison, especially during winter.
  3. We should ask MPM for his advice on whether or not hell exists, he knows God personally...lives in his country.
  4. It may be too late. He had a checkered past too with multiple melts.
  5. In other news, an 11 million ton rogue iceberg threatens a Greenland village. https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5b4abefce4b022fdcc59fbf6/amp
  6. Ding ding, the system is broke....on both ends of the ‘spectrum’.
  7. I have moved away from this tragedy like 10 posts ago and tried to talk about how we can’t predict human behavior. We jail the wrong people and let bad people out in society all the time. What can we do to not have school/church/club mass killings, put bad people away while also having a more rehab approach for those who simply just made a bad mistake and got caught????
  8. It does actually, it’s been researched/studied by the best and proven. We shouldnt let repeat offenders on the loose, that is obvious, and not the point. Can you tame your anger a bit and read my earlier posts with clarity. Not debating violent repreat offenders or drug dealing to kids.
  9. nzucker is far from what you describe him. kids been through and seen alot. Because someone has a viewpoint of not overcrowding an already overcrowded prison system doesn’t mean he is protecting criminal rights and disregarding rights of victims. come on with this black and white no grey area talk. It’s such a complicated issue no post, even at Tip’s length, will be able to disect it. I’m pro black lives matter but that does NOT mean I am anti white lives matter or anti cops lives matter lol. Come on people, expand your brain it is not a one size fits all. Lets go.
  10. People are unpredictable, point blank. Oh my. It’s not clear cut black and white dood. Talk to the parents of Kalief Browder. Watch the documentary at least. ’Educate’ YOURSELF. And btw I am not strictly talking about selling drugs to kids thats effed up. I am refrencing the whole ‘system’ in general. You seem to want to jail anyone who may have committed a crime, so we disagree here. Leave it there.
  11. Maybe depressed of the lack of activity post May TOR.
  12. Usually you James rapid post if clouds approach the state.
  13. Nice boom and light show. Wiz dropped the ball, completely missed this.
  14. Sand is better than acidic soil prone to weeds and grabrass, my lawn, ha. What’s your fall plan?
  15. Good stuff, bookmarked to revert back in Oct.
  16. The only issue I see with -nao is this propensity to form in late winter early spring. The only heart of winter I can recall is Dec-Jan 2011. The QBO was favorable for ATL blocking last winter and we were just able to sneak it in March. It should be a ‘it’s just a matter of time’ but tendenacies cannot be ignored.
  17. Sniffing trees ftl. Man, my lawn is so brutal. I may just go artificial grass this fall and save myself money and pain.
  18. Yea, my two little Bostons are your prototypical bear herders.
  19. Mixed feelings too. We have a family of 4 in the neighborhood here. I havent seen them personally but 1/2 mile down a lady took a pic while they ravaged her birdfeeder. I nervous too with a 2yr old and two small dogs that have their own dog run. I hope they are smart enough to run back inside if a bear approaches.
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