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Everything posted by RUNNAWAYICEBERG

  1. Hmmm found something: First boil a kettle of water and pour on the walkway for 3-5 days straight. Then rip out weeds by hand getting as much roots as possible. Final, spray a soap/vinegar mixture to prevent new growth weekly. Seems tedious so does anyone else have suggestions?
  2. Really need a tip to keep the weeds coming through a stone walkway. I read polymeric sand is good.
  3. 0.25” is enough. ground will be damp to begin with too.
  4. I’ll give that a shot next if my local Turfmaster doesnt wow me with application plan. the yard is in worse shape than I thought.....and there’s too much to do and not enough time.
  5. On my 1 hour drive home I already think about the damage I will do to the weeds when I arrive...then....still in work clothes, I head straight for the weed spray in the garage and tackle them b*tches.
  6. Thinking about going with outside help for the first year. I spent $100 on JG Magical and I expect to spend about that in a few weeks for the JG weed control. then fertlizer. more stuff this summer and the fall/winter. I see spending around $500, at least, DIY and would prob spend about that with outside help....and it would also free up time to work on other landscape projects. I hate paying for something I can do but it nets out here. Plus the lawn is in worse shape than I thought so maybe pros can liven it up quicker until I take control year 2?
  7. I’ll get chickens if they eat/kill weed growth.
  8. Is the little flower purpleish? I have them around and I’m pulling them out one by one in disgust. on a side note, anyone have suggestions to best keep grass, weeds, etc from popping threw a stone walkway? I’ll have to take pics but besides spray each piece with a weed killer....is there anything I could do for the entire walkway to kill and prevent constant pop ups? Like a general application of something...
  9. I know...what a brutal way to spend my off days. I should of played 36 yesterday. The downside of being a new homeowner and having to revamp the landscape.
  10. Yesterday was awesome. Beauty weather with the day off so I got tons of yardwork done. Ripped out nasty bushes, some thorn bushes, around the back deck and front walkway. I like my area simple, not overdone with crap bushes. Next weekend the plan is to plant 6 Aborvitaes around the back walkway. Maybe 2 in the front by the steps. Fill in some of the space with small accent plants, but not too much. I also was able to lay down the JG magical stuff. The yard needs alot of work....seeing very weak areas with the weeds. Thought it was OK couple weeks ago but the ugly stuff is becoming visible, and it makes me angry. Need to let the Magical do its thing for a couple weeks before I attack it with the weed and feed. Good times.
  11. I dunno what happenned there. It was up before....Russians hacked my photbucket acct.
  12. I finished yard cleanup and raked around the perimeter and trees. Looks like the lawn is in decent shape from previous owner. Going to lay down the JG stuff later then pretty much to just watch it this growing season. No need to overdue until I can spot the flaws, which will be addressed in the fall and heading into next season.
  13. Looks good. I’m gonna this and other JG products a try. Thanks.
  14. Read the same, seems excessive especially when I have 40k sq ft to cover...Maybe I’ll just do the mossy areas.
  15. Not enough I suppose....I’ll wait to apply before the southeaster.
  16. OK, I’ll wait until next weekend before the screamer. As long as it’s not 3” where there will be runoff.
  17. Do I need to water after laying down the lime pellets? The instructions do not mention it.
  18. Ordered lime pellets. gonna spread it hard this weekend.
  19. lots and lots of rain. no SNE severe drought they need to fight off.
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