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Everything posted by RUNNAWAYICEBERG

  1. Oh you get it good just not jacking. That belongs to a 10 square mile radius in WCT only. Far SEMA is in deep deep trouble with torrential rains as every single storm track is over the elbow.
  2. Yes, SEMA winter incoming obviously...good luck forecasting storm tracks 5 months out.
  3. My kind of winters. No pennies and nickels, all dolla dolla bills on our fannies.
  4. Just mega blizzards and after mega blizzards.
  5. Just have DIT call for east based and we in the record books.
  6. There it is. Sharpen your shovels. Huge winter incoming. Lalala lock it up.
  7. We would rather skip to Dec for weather talk, in a perfect world. Yes.
  8. pwats approaching 2.5. If we can slow the steering to around 20kt, watch out for outdoor pets flowing down rivers and streets.
  9. Maybe depressed of the lack of activity post May TOR.
  10. Usually you James rapid post if clouds approach the state.
  11. Nice boom and light show. Wiz dropped the ball, completely missed this.
  12. Sand is better than acidic soil prone to weeds and grabrass, my lawn, ha. What’s your fall plan?
  13. Good stuff, bookmarked to revert back in Oct.
  14. The only issue I see with -nao is this propensity to form in late winter early spring. The only heart of winter I can recall is Dec-Jan 2011. The QBO was favorable for ATL blocking last winter and we were just able to sneak it in March. It should be a ‘it’s just a matter of time’ but tendenacies cannot be ignored.
  15. Sniffing trees ftl. Man, my lawn is so brutal. I may just go artificial grass this fall and save myself money and pain.
  16. Bust here, weak. I’m good with it though. Bring on the drought.
  17. K values in the upper 30s with those pwats...if the front hung up a tad there’s deff a good chance for trainers and flash floods outside of urban areas.
  18. We should break out the lawn chairs and crack open a case of budweiser.
  19. I’m gonna rent a chainsaw and have my bro help. He just always seems to find an excuse to not come up from NJ. Eventually I’ll just do it. Just been busy with other stuff lately.
  20. Mine looks like total white trash. Thankfully I still have the two big trees down in the front from the nado.
  21. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.urbandictionary.com/define.php%3fterm=John+Hancock&amp=true
  22. please bring copies to the gtg, your John Hancock is required.
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