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Everything posted by RUNNAWAYICEBERG

  1. Some bad decisions but some don’t have the means to get out of town, unfortunately. 20% of Wilmington’s population of 120k is under the poverty line. To put into perspective, Bridgeport CT of 152k is 18%.
  2. Very Noticeable color changes on most trees in swct, it’s coming.
  3. It’s breaking up big time in a week or so, but we will transition back n forth a bit.... Then Oct starts out chilly willy.
  4. We will check it for you and send you an email.
  5. Wierd, gfs had awful runs with track and intensity. DT will find a way to spin this, not Donald though this time...just Dave.
  6. Just please don’t be that met that is live who looks like they can barely stand...in 40mph winds.
  7. Solar min. qbo went from positive in the summer into fall then nuetral at the start of winter, to negative JFM. -5 to -10.
  8. People are very strange beings, only Tip can figure out their motives.
  9. Terrible, hope no human or pet lives will be lost. Thankfully we does electric only.
  10. James’ 175mph cane just has not quite been able to get going the past few days. Surge and fresh water flooding biggest concerns AWAT for several days now.
  11. Euro has been doing well with intensity. gfs likes to James every circular motion of clouds into hell on earth. Not surprised by what she is.
  12. lol. People take great care of their homes.
  13. I know a guy who has 25 years experience being a dad...and he’s still a real sh*tty dad.
  14. This is the flo banter thread plus telling folks to go back to where they belong is....well....I’ll say childish. With that said, nbd posts are akeen to premature ejacts over a 2 day nam snow map showing 60”. Let’s see how it shakes out, many communities expecially those on the coast shouldn’t let their guards down. Maybe the winds won’t be as destructive. Still, Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
  15. Very deceiving doing two still frames. Trajectory is more important.
  16. Rgem has looked consistent with bringing the eye onshore around ILM.
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