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Everything posted by RUNNAWAYICEBERG

  1. You seem low or my neighbor’s guage is messed up. No way he/we have almost double than you.
  2. Will your wife drive as you jump in and out of the car with a ruler?
  3. I’ve got too much on the plate so I haven’t setup my station yet. But neighborhood weather buddy had 34” for the official summer, when I saw him mowing Saturday. He likes our chances for a big winter.
  4. Crushing floods at work. GL using 95 or Merritt my SWCT heads.
  5. Depressing how our climate will soon be that of DC and the NE resorts will be NYC.
  6. Yea, been a quick fade into fall. Doesn’t mean there won’t be AN days moving forward...especially in winter, when some are kung fu gripping their 2” snowpack.
  7. Danger lurks from every cloud and every ray of sun. Congrats. They said it would be a torch until Nov1st too. You showed them.
  8. Yea man, well wishes on the vasectomy. Need you back to full speed by Nov.
  9. I don’t have the mental bandwidth to post on multiple weather sites.
  10. Especially how warm his spot is, in general, compared to surroundings.
  11. Yea. Next 7days looks typical Sep around here. We moved out of the nasty stuff quickly, Florence helped swish it all up.
  12. Today should about do it for severe season. See ya next May.
  13. Good. Hope the dews continue through winter so we don’t have to fight through dry air starring at the street light with our finger up against it looking for the first sign of flurries.
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