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Everything posted by RUNNAWAYICEBERG

  1. Not for you or I or most but the interior elevated areas, I think so.
  2. No changes. Biggie incoming for climo favored areas. Even scooter and friends await a Krafty.
  3. Well without it this would be a raging cutter and fropa for everyone.
  4. Jeff prances in 2ft while he shoves binkys into crying sne weenies.
  5. For sanity’s and your family’s sake, good you didn’t do it…
  6. George’s naval junk yard looks great for sne too.
  7. Locked and loaded for NNE while SoP cling onto cmc and jma.
  8. The primary was definitely further north, but man, the coastal went to town.
  9. Wish it was that easy. Need the 50:50 to work a miracle. Climo favors interor but anomalous storms do anomalous things.
  10. As we progress through CC, never worry about a prolonged dry spell. Embrace it instead.
  11. Remember summer of 2022 when folks were so stressed about the drought…
  12. congrats everyone on the canadian.
  13. Early Installs in the first 15 days are really paying off now.
  14. Let me know how it does for you. I try to minimize the chems but sometimes the annoyance of crab and weeds overrides my desire to be eco friendly.
  15. Good deal. The crabgrass went crazy last season but I missed the early season prevention so I’m putting JG down to hopefully control it this season.
  16. Yea. I was going to wait until after the mid week cyclone originally just to be safe.
  17. How do we feel about laying down step 1 tomorrow? Grass is starting to tickle out of dormancy slowly…
  18. 0.57”, veddy nice we missed the biggest.
  19. Of course it won’t happen because we can’t have favorable weather lately.
  20. We really need a warm and dry April after next week’’s NNE KU. Pray.
  21. What a shitty month. There were 4-5 days of bright sunny warmth. The rest were full of clouds, wind, and rain. Regardless of the AN numbers, it sucked.
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