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Everything posted by WeatherHappens

  1. whether it's hurricanes or severe storms, they still all miss me lol.
  2. I'm gonna beat Kevin to it....The West Trend has started it's coming lol.
  3. No! I won't be sucked back in....But what is it showing? lol
  4. That's a good one right up there with the JMA.
  5. So what Hail Mary model are we holding on to?
  6. 3% odds gets the weenies going around here lol....myself included I'm just as guilty.
  7. Does that include the 100% of models?
  8. Just to get suckers like me interested again lol.
  9. Wave action...I can fill my bathtub and have just as much fun.
  10. Getting severe in eastern Mass is like getting a hurricane in SNE.
  11. So does this mean there will be no looting in Tolland?
  12. Just when I thought I was out. They pull me back in!
  13. Will....Not.....Get....Sucked.....Back.....In...... Okay how's it look? lol
  14. I think you are just messing with people now lol.
  15. I have to admit I'm slightly disappointed. Go ahead and give me the weenies lol.
  16. I respect your optimism. I hope you are right.
  17. Don't waste your time with this one. Let's look forward to 10 day out phantom blizzard of 78 lol.
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