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Posts posted by BuCoVaWx

  1. I can remember watching the weather channel as a very young child. Probably 3 or 4, some of my earliest memories. I was amazed at how the weather could change on a dime, and how everyone is affected by the weather. 

    We moved in our new big house in Oct 92. The property was really big for a young boy. I was 7 when the 93 blizzard hit. That storm had a major impact on my love for weather. I had experienced snow before, but not on that level. I was amazed at how it just shut everything down. Almost as if I was in a different world. That Saturday afternoon my brother and I met up with a few other neighborhood kids and had an absolute blast. Riding inner tubes down hillsides, snow ball fights and we built an awesome snow igloo, enough for 3 of us to fit into. That evening as it got darker, the wind slowed but the snow continued to fall. The complete silence and the snow weighing the trees and power lines was nothing I had ever witnessed, almost eerie, but I loved it. I will never forget it. I've been a freak over weather, especially winter weather ever since.

    On the warmer side of weather, my first real experience was in third grade. I was at school, I remember going to the gym, which was outside and separate from the school. That was around 11 that morning. There were a few clouds but nothing out of the ordinary. After 45 minutes to an hour later, as the teacher walked us back to the main building, the sky was an ominous color. A greenish/purple hue hung overhead in very low fast moving clouds. It was frightening to me. We got back to the classroom and an announcement came over the speaker for the teachers to get ready for a tornado "test". My teacher actually drug the TV out and put it on the weather channel. As I had watched it for years leading up to this moment, I understood more than most kids that age. It was not a pretty sight. A line of severe storms was moving in very close to the area. As the siren sounded for our drill, the power started flickering as we made our way into the hallway. They made us all get against the wall, hunker down and put our hands over our head. I knew it was serious because the older kids who were on the second floor all came down to the first floor. After a few seconds of being in the hands over head position, the power went completely out. Thunder crashed so hard it shook the ground below us. I remember the wind smashing rain and hail into the window to the lower end of the hall. To make it worse the older kids were teasing the younger kids that were scared. A huge tree limb crashed into the window and broke a bunch of glass out of it. After that, there was silence. The older kids were now scared out of their minds, a long with some of the staff. Things eventually cleared up, but for the rest of that day there were multiple severe storms and tornado warnings issued for the area. After that, I was absolutely terrified of thunderstorms for a couple of years. As I got older that fear turned into fascination. 

    Those two events as a young kid stuck with me and made my love for weather very real. 

    Sorry for the novel lol. I start talking about past weather events and never shut up.

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  2. 2 hours ago, Carvers Gap said:

    The 12z GFS and CMC show a transition to at the very least cold fronts pressing eastward...and that means some rain.  MRX mentioned that modeling has been overestimating qpf amounts in drought stricken areas.  So, keep that in mind as well.

    09-10 was a banner winter.  Barely got home one evening in December as we got hammered during rush hour.  Took some folks 12 hours to make a 30min commute.   It definitely depends on where you are located....

    The December 18-19 2009 storm was one of my all time favorites. Of course the 3 week period of no power or water wasn't very fun. I was a child during 93 and 96 blizzards, so it was cool to experience 09 as an adult. I would love for my children to experience a storm like that. It was magical to me as a child.

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  3. 1 hour ago, Uncle Nasty said:

    If this belongs in Banter I'll move it. Every year the blizzard gets brought up nearing the anniversary
    We are approaching the 30 year on the 12th. Here is a great write up by Morristown about the storm and the 30 year anniversary.


    Sent from my moto z4 using Tapatalk

    Thank you for the link. This storm is single handedly responsible for my obsession with winter weather, arguably weather as a whole. I was 8 years old and my family and I were without power and "snowed in" for about 4 days. I mostly remember spending as much time as possible outside with my brother and neighborhood kids in a winter wonderland. We had the time of our lives playing out in the blizzard, then thawing out by our wood and coal stove, which was our only source of heat, light and cooking at the time. I've been chasing that storm ever since. Of course the chances of that happening again are super slim to almost none, it's still fun to track these storms and dream a little from time to time.

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  4. 2 minutes ago, Jed33 said:

    Well, to be fair it is the weather, and the weather is going to do what the weather is going to do. Personally, I really appreciate Holston, Carver, and all the others that chime in here to offer observations and thoughts on the pattern and possibilities going forward. It’s hard to find analysis like this elsewhere and that’s what makes this board so great in my opinion! It may or may not work out, but there have been other times like this before. So, if it doesn’t work out in our favor, I don’t consider it a loss myself because the opportunity was there. When you are studying/interested in something you have no control over, then you take what you get and enjoy it good or bad. Then, the next time something comes up, you can draw on past experiences to give you an idea of what might happen. Even then though, it’s just an idea of what might happen. Nothing is ever guaranteed. Doesn’t mean it’s not fun or interesting to study though. Just my two cents.

    I agree 100%. I don't post much, as I really don't have much to offer other than obs when necessary, but I feel like I've been searching years to find a place that appreciates and educates on something I'm extremely passionate about, which of course is weather. This is for sure the right place. Multiple times a day I find myself coming here and hoping some sort of big post is put up explaining this and that, as I try to soak it all in. I've wanted to be a meteorologist all my life, unfortunately certain circumstances steered life in other directions. I just want to say thank you guys so much for everything you put into this forum, it is greatly appreciated. Sorry if this isn't the right place to post this. Felt Jeds post gave me the opportunity to share that with you guys.

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  5. 8 hours ago, BlunderStorm said:

    It was then that the eastern valley rejoiced with the post-Christmas clipper, all was well...
    And not a single flake died upon landing that night.
    *Although approximately only 3 flakes reached @BlunderStorm's backyard he was happy nearly everyone else scored with the darkhorse clipper event that Carver had "masterfully prophesized".  :guitar:

    LOL, I agree with @BlunderStorm, us most northern forum guys missed the action on this one, but Im very happy to see so many people did well with this "non event"

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  6. 26 minutes ago, BlunderStorm said:

    I have 3 limiting factors I've become conscious of, 1) Big A Mountain downslope for NW flow events. 2) Clinch Mountain downslope for Miller A events. 3) Warm air advection heading all the way up the Clinch to my doorstep although less than everyone SE of me. I think the big issue for Grundy is the low elevation, it's hard to flush out the warm air from the maze that is the Appalachian Plateau.

    That definitely makes a lot of sense. When I was younger and less educated I would get so frustrated because it always seemed like it took a miracle to get snow here. My dad always assured me that it can't snow in (the underworld) to put it PG :lol:

    • Haha 1
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