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Prismshine Productions

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Everything posted by Prismshine Productions

  1. At least the one in 14 wasn't as bad as the one in 05 Sent from my SM-S115DL using Tapatalk
  2. The SC low county had 14 ensembles with an ice storm counting the 0P... Yikes Sent from my SM-S115DL using Tapatalk
  3. NW shift on that first wave on the snowfall, sleet, and ZR maps at hr90 compared to 12z hr96 Sent from my SM-S115DL using Tapatalk
  4. .2, which at this point I would be happy with... Sent from my SM-S115DL using Tapatalk
  5. Or the SC lowcountry Sent from my SM-S115DL using Tapatalk
  6. Pattern on the hardest ice is identical to the EURO Sent from my SM-S115DL using Tapatalk
  7. First wave looks to give C/ENC a couple light inches Sent from my SM-S115DL using Tapatalk
  8. Little better CAD push at 102... Sent from my SM-S115DL using Tapatalk
  9. I got a feeling this is gonna be icy... Sent from my SM-S115DL using Tapatalk
  10. Expanded with a slight NW shift Sent from my SM-S115DL using Tapatalk
  11. The 850s are scorched (2nd pick is 925s) Sent from my SM-S115DL using Tapatalk
  12. Now we wait on Mr. Torchy (midday GFS) Sent from my SM-S115DL using Tapatalk
  13. Literally everybody east of the Aiken-Columbia-Charlotte line is hoping it stays off the coast Sent from my SM-S115DL using Tapatalk
  14. Also if im reading the JMA right, it is on board too Sent from my SM-S115DL using Tapatalk
  15. I guarantee if it got modeled right that would have been a big run all the way to Florida Sent from my SM-S115DL using Tapatalk
  16. Oh that was a good day... I got 5" from that Coastal Cutter Sent from my SM-S115DL using Tapatalk
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