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Prismshine Productions

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Everything posted by Prismshine Productions

  1. Earl is a solid candidate for ugliest Hurricane... Sent from my SM-S102DL using Tapatalk
  2. 0z GEFS ensembles ticked west again... Sent from my SM-S102DL using Tapatalk
  3. This is just my opinion: Who the hell cares if we have an inactive season? After the last few years of the tropics being on steroids, I am actually GLAD for the way the season had gone so far. Sent from my SM-S102DL using Tapatalk
  4. I poked around a bit, the monster on the 18z GFS is a 5... 140kt barbs not far off the surface Sent from my SM-S102DL using Tapatalk
  5. Storm A pulling a Katrina and Storm B pulling a Hugo.. And looking at the h5 there is a strong ridge up top so that would be trouble Sent from my SM-S102DL using Tapatalk
  6. The Arctic is looking rather impressive this year compared to how the last decade has been... Sent from my SM-S102DL using Tapatalk
  7. A 1040 over ME is not going to cut it Sent from my SM-S115DL using Tapatalk
  8. Better than scorched until December... Sent from my SM-S115DL using Tapatalk
  9. EPS out to 96 way better look Sent from my SM-S115DL using Tapatalk
  10. Don't tell me the King is gonna bow again... Sent from my SM-S115DL using Tapatalk
  11. The utter pain of living 10 miles from the GEFS cutoff line... Sent from my SM-S115DL using Tapatalk
  12. This was the RGEM h5 btw Sent from my SM-S115DL using Tapatalk
  13. Yeah, that northern piece of energy is still between Russia and Alaska Sent from my SM-S115DL using Tapatalk
  14. EURO through 60 looks slightly improved Sent from my SM-S115DL using Tapatalk
  15. GEFS out to 81 looks better, energy is not hung back as far SW as 6z Sent from my SM-S115DL using Tapatalk
  16. GEFS following the OP, Sent from my SM-S115DL using Tapatalk
  17. 117, still positive Sent from my SM-S115DL using Tapatalk
  18. More positive tilt through 96 Sent from my SM-S115DL using Tapatalk
  19. How was it? Sent from my SM-S115DL using Tapatalk
  20. #PositiveVibesOnly Sent from my SM-S115DL using Tapatalk
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