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Posts posted by Prospero

  1. Quote

    AUG-SEPT 2004    6 Major Hurricanes

    2004 - What a year in Florida on the Gulf Coast!

    Charlie, Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne that stand out. And if I remember right there were other storms that brought in flooding rain and over-the-top high tides.

    We'd get over one, and then prepare for the next. Jeanne was the biggest PIA that year as far as power outages and home damage in the Tampa Bay area, but Charlie and Frances had their impact as well. It became annoying as all get out!


  2. Waves off of Africa are the main focus, but what about storms that form in the Gulf of Mexico. Living on the Florida Gulf coast, seems like these are the ones that catch us off guard and throw us into a sudden preparation.

    Do the models for this year suggest anything out of the ordinary?

    The SST Anomaly is above average right now in a large part of the Atlantic.


    But what about other factors beyond my limited knowledge?



  3. 18 minutes ago, WxWatcher007 said:

    I’m looking forward to a Midwest blizzard chase.

    I sure miss the snowstorms myself. Staying up all night watching the snow fall past the streetlights and studying the snow drifts as they got deeper, wishing for "snow days" when I was kid, dreaming of being a meteorologist when I grow up. Even now at 60 years old, I still dream of being a meteorologist when I grow up.

    Now in Florida I stay up all night waiting for an outflow boundary to kick up a thunderstorm outside with amazing lightning or follow a tropical system for a week hoping we get "almost" destructive winds and at least interesting storm surges and big waves. (Two weeks without power and A/C after Irma has me much more conservative than before).

    Oh the hail storm in Colorado Springs in 1969 or 1970, what a thrill! Three feet of hail in our yard in August, the sound of the cashing and the roar I'll never forget. The flooding as it melted very quickly...

    Several hurricanes and tropical storms, ice storms in Michigan, spring floods in Virginia, so on.

    So many storms, so many happy memories.

    Yea, I am a sicko.



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  4. 20 minutes ago, cptcatz said:

    9 consecutive runs now, all at the same time period.  That would be quite a fail if it doesn't verify.  

    Already stocked up here, but going to Sams Club for COVID teacher supplies and basics tomorrow anyway. This year it is all being about being a step ahead.

    Can never have enough toilet paper! LOL

    May buy another battery backup device for our CPAPs. A battery will not last long, but sure sucks when a 10 minute outage disrupts a good sleep...


  5. 5 minutes ago, TennTradition said:

    Wait - are some arguing that’s real? It had to be a rendering based on an assumed sea level change, no? I assume it’s turned into a running joke?

    I only saw it once and briefly when my wife was on CNN and said, "Look at this!" I just thought what a horrible graphic, nothing matched up; streets, landmarks, etc., didn't see debris, down trees, wild surf, it just did not make sense. Lot of people fell for it, for sure. I just kept thinking it was a horrible graphics that did not makes sense. LOL

  6. West Coast of Florida tonight, looks like the bands are staying east of us. Tonight was the night we've been anxiously anticipating for a week now. Will go to sleep tonight relaxed, maybe slightly disappointed we didn't get a "tiny" bit more, but very happy we didn't have to board up the windows or even pick up the projectiles that decorate our backyard. Whew.

    Watched every WSW wobble, read every post on this and another forum, and stared at the Dorian spinning graphics for hours and hours, and hours.

    It's almost over for most of Florida. Power is out and going out on the east coast in scattered places, but I am sure few will be out for more than a day or two. Irma left this home without of electricity for over two weeks. Horrible couple weeks, but our house was still here and the two trees that came down with Irma missed our home.


  7. Just now, YetAnotherRDUGuy said:

    Nah sir. I was quoting SENC in an earlier post.

    I was kidding.

    OK, just learning the territory of this playground. :)

    Will say that sat comparison of the Bahamas was not impressive at all from someone who does some graphic design. Accurate I could not tell, the two images should have been in scale and up-to-date. Obviously there was a vast difference on many levels, very unprofessional and almost worthless as far as a true comparison. Not to say the island is not a lot different from a few days ago, but that graphic was a very poor representation. Give me a recent before and after sat photo, I'll produce you something that you could refer to. ;)

  8. 18 minutes ago, YetAnotherRDUGuy said:

    "...and spouting the "False Hoax" of AGW."

    Not sure I get the gist of what you are saying, but curious. You claim Global Warming is a hoax?

    Still getting a feel for who is who around here, and it may take a very loooooong time. But among people who study the weather and climates, does anybody aware of how the planet works truly believe Global Warming by humans is a hoax? Granted those who are blind, or paid to be blind might say so, but people who are educated, intelligent, pay attention and study? No way. I'd have a hard time believing it.

    OK, yea, I know, we humans are like tiny ants on a HUGE GIGANTIC orb floating around in space. How could anything we do affect Earth's climate? Silly to think so.

    I am sorry, maybe this fever I have from a small bacterial infection is making me grumpy...damn little tiny microbes...

  9. Just now, SENC said:

    Well? It's how He makes His living, (though part time)..  NOW,,,

    BIG $$$$$$ Coming Hisway…

    Wouldn't you do it also?


    I would,, I'll even spout the False Hoax; of AGW, provide video, screaming, staged antics, .. Even Nekkid 

    Folks would <I> LOVE ME </I> ,, While Showering Me with $$$$

    Yeah, I gotta do, that too, I gotta a brand new water proof Camera, and a chance.. Ft. Fisher/Bald Head Island is My target/chaser video..  come Chursday 

    I need a few dollars more..

    <I> Que up Clint Eastwood theme </I> 

    A Few Dollars more.. 


    Dream job, even more Nekkid. In fact, I'd pay to do that...even pay more to do it Nekkid!

    Get paid to do what one wants to do anyway, paid to follow your passion? Even if you die doing it.

    That's life, pure and simple. Living life!

    If other's enjoy experiencing what you do from their sofa or PC, then you have hit the jackpot we all seek.

    A 9 to 5 job, five days a week, security, fluff, being a sheep, following your leader when they cannot remember hearing of a Cat 5 after comforting homeless Americans in Mexico Beach just months ago after a Cat 5, UGH.

    Give me Liberty, or Give me Death.

    SENC, you may be making a joke, but you are speaking truth. Josh was crazy, brave, hit a jackpot if he is wise. I'd do it without a blink. (My wife would not approve, but hey we have to juggle our priorities.)


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  10. 11 minutes ago, jburns said:

    From your location, you will reside in the SE forum. You won't drive me nuts for very long. 

    WELCOME!! :thumbsup:

    Not sure whether to say Thank You, or not. But thanks for now. :)

    Nothing like jumping into a nest of rattlesnakes.

    Having fun reading, censoring my thoughts as much as I can for now. I am not a met, but a storm fanatic since my first one in Charleston, South Carolina in 1966, I think. Still see like last night our lawn furniture taking to the sky like butterflies...giant trees falling down...

  11. Josh Morgerman is my new wannabe person. Jim Cantore held that title for so many years...

    I have never met him, never heard of him, maybe never seen any of his videos and barely anything he has written except a little with this storm.

    He is like a brother to me now, so happy he lived. Josh, my new idol. Jim Cantore is out.

    Yea, my preferred way to die is in a big tornado watching it approach with nothing left to cling onto (recurring dream). Hurricanes are second best, but I'd prefer the "moment" to be a little quicker. I'd rather be sucked up and hurled into the sky rather than beaten to death in a storm surge by debris. But either is way better than dying in a car wreck, by cancer, old age, or my least favorite concept, "To die in my sleep." Aurggh!

    Stumbled on this "Banter" thread after joining AmericanWX with Dorian, so I am so such a newbie. But I tell you what, this Banter is a new home for me. I will be attacked for sure. But what fun, you all are insane as hell! Almost as good as an approaching tornado...

    I may drive a few of you nuts as well.

    What fun!!!!!


  12. 3 minutes ago, STxVortex said:

    Anybody know what the turning radius of a 280 mile wide, 70,000ft high, multi-billion ton, 185-220mph, spinning mass of water, water vapor [and some debris] might be? 
    Anxious Floridians and EC'ers would like to know.

    Pls reply: Box DUG, Cheyenne Mountain, CO. 

    Not your grandmum's Buick at all.

    Well we all in Florida remember Irma's turn oh too well.

  13. 1 hour ago, Steven_1974 said:

    So you're blaming the media for the hurricane basically. You'd be the type to stay put cause you think it's all hype and then be the first to complain if it hit and say they didn't do enough.

    Not at all, but I am blaming the national media for creating mass-hysteria earlier in the week and I was reminding any readers here that what is "entertainment" for major media comes with a huge cost for businesses and families. Local media has done a great job balancing how to warn residents and encourage making preparations while not creating wide-spread panic.

    As for the NHC, science is the base, but then there has to be judgement calls on how to attempt to produce an accurate forecast and minimize undue hardship on everybody emotionally and financially. I am sure phone calls are being made by businesses to their Chamber of Commerce, and from Chambers to their representatives all the way to the Governor. Some of those concerns would certainly make it to the NHC where some decisions may be influenced, within reason of course.

  14. 13 minutes ago, Bubbler86 said:

    Disney is being taken out to the woodshed with their star wars land not doing anything near what they expected. 

    Thank you, I forgot about Disney only thinking of beach vacation cancellations. For a couple days Orlando was a "Cat 2 or 3" dot on many maps for this weekend. It did look like it when it was too far away to make an accurate prediction, but today was beautiful state-wide and numbers were horrible for tourism.

    Disney? As we who live in Florida know, "The Mouse" has amazing influence on politicians and if you piss off the Mouse there is a price to pay.

    For the NHC? Sure you can fudge a call now and then if funding is at risk, or when favors are being tossed around. Who does it hurt? The Bahamas are screwed no matter what right now, why hurt Florida any more than it needs tonight. Right?

    True we are not out the risk yet, at all, but we do not need greedy media hype piled on top of what may or may not happen. Truth would be welcome any time.

  15. Does anybody have any idea how many millions of dollars have been refunded for this very important weekend in Florida? Could it be in the billions?

    Even on the west coast in Clearwater Beach we've handed out refunds when our policies were spelled out that ONLY when a mandatory evacuation is in place do we refund. But with panicking guests who are terrified to come to Florida with all the media hype are begging us, we go above and beyond our policy and give them their money back. Sadly we are looking at a totally gorgeous weekend, but so many have stayed home wherever they are.

    Statewide, I cannot imagine the financial impact this media fiasco has cost us all. It is a disaster even if Dorian never touches our state. Huge disaster.

    Do I believe Governor DeSantis, who has been upfront on urging residents to be prepared, would have an enormous amount of pressure on him to do what he can to ease public fear on Florida tourism? Would Trump be under pressure? We are talking a TON of money on a weekend when tourism is critical for a lot of businesses to survive until Thanksgiving week.

    Can you imagine the publicity a Cat 5 hurricane would have when the media is drooling for some kind of major story right now? When Dorian was a "direct hit" on Florida, they were raking in the dough with advertisers and ratings. But with it going out to sea, they are losing viewers quickly. "Historic Cat 5!" BINGO they have it back and Florida, Georgia, South and North Carolina pay the price even if a rain drop or steady breeze never touches any of us.

    Someone said it was a "ridiculous" idea to think that the NHC would not go with Cat 5 right now even if it was. How ignorant they must be.

    To underestimate the power of politics and industry is as dangerous as under estimating the power of a hurricane.

    No offense to anyone, please, but know the world we live and understand how it works.

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