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Posts posted by clskinsfan

  1. An interesting breakout would be the people that were actually around for 79/83 and forward.  I've only been here for the 09/10 storms so Feb 5/6 got my vote, but I would have loved to see how '96 compared.


    I was here for all of them. It is amazing the differences that occur in accumulations in our subforum. 79 was not a huge event west. But east got slammed. 2003 I got absolutely mauled while east was a nice storm. 96. Just crushed all of us as well as 2010. But the second 2010 event was huge east and north of me. trix got like 10+ more inches than me just 10 miles to my north from the second event. It is a wild area that we live in when it comes to snow.

  2. SatelliteNE.jpg

    I "only" got 26 inches with the superstorm. We got dry slotted for a bit of the storm. It is still in my top 3 because of the wind and drifting. It definitely deserves to be in my top three weather events of all time. I was tempted to swap the 10 and 79 storms. The third highest snow total I have ever recorded was with the 2010 storm. But I was 10 in 1979. That is the storm that has forever hooked me on Noreasters. Good picture of the dry slot from the superstorm.

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