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Solution Man

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Everything posted by Solution Man

  1. Moving golf clubs back to front of garage for end of week and next week and then on to Orlando for a week after that. Can’t get snow, so might as well golf.
  2. “Snowfall records for the District of Columbia date back to 1884. Measurements were recorded at the downtown National Weather Bureau and Signal Service offices along G Street and M Street until the official observation site was moved to National Airport in 1941. Over the years there have been repeated calls to move the official site back to the District.” WTOP
  3. Haymarket current condition: 26f Leaves and blowing leaves kind of a non event
  4. We are even below our digital snow average…wow we suck
  5. I have to say this was modeled well, but we still suck at snow
  6. Winds will dry us out before it gets too cold. To be honest, don’t want to see a flash freeze, but a few mangled flakes would be nice to add to this Wonderful Season
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