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Everything posted by Malacka11

  1. This is one of those treat events where things get better and better in the close range. We locked it in, now it's time to build it up. If somebody replies with some realist bullshit I swear my soul will evaporate instantly
  2. Yeah, my bad, I was operating off a mental image of last night's run. Whoopsies.
  3. I thought that's the whole point? I mean there's the final call, and then there's like the real final call. I'm talking about the preliminary guess that is at least semi-informed
  4. Finals calls in a day or two? Or now if you're Alek?
  5. I don't get why everyone's tweaking right now. Even the strung out runs were good by this year's standards and we're backing away from that. Look at the CMC and tell me you wouldn't be satisfied with something like that. There's still time to work our way back a little too.
  6. Fwiw 06z GFS looks a lot better again than 00z. Maybe at some point things can start trending up again in a GHD II fashion; not to compare this event to that one by any means
  7. Just a day or two away from thread making time, no matter where this thang ends up. I wonder how the two systems that are coming up this week might influence the track of the bigger dog.
  8. Ahh. That's what I figured but I didn't even think it went out to the seven day mark
  9. This is a dumb question even by my standards, but what is the fourth of the big four? Euro, GFS, CMC are no brainers but I'm blanking on the last one for some reason
  10. Even the Euro is on board. Let's see how long this lasts.
  11. Aren't airborne debris a major part of this type of metal deformation? Or does that not even matter unless you're talking a tornado strong enough to do it manually?
  12. I wonder what it would take to get one of those cute clippers to stop by on the 24th
  13. So generally speaking, what does the most damage to a structure when a tornado hits it? Would it be flying debris or the winds themselves?
  14. substance-lacking post but this stuff is seriously just nuts to think about. I wonder how much energy is required to tear apart reinforced concrete like that... Or move two hundred ton rail cars and stuff. It is actually insane to think that the atmosphere is capable of producing such a concentrated release of energy
  15. Nah nah nah, none of this even makes sense. Dispense with all of this sciencey shit and look at the cold hard facts: this entire season so far, there's always been a fantasy storm being modeled in the 240+ range. Now there isn't. Two and two guys, come on. Real talk, I'm willing to bet my Christmas gifts that some sort of event of some kind will arise in the Christmas week timeframe by this Saturday
  16. Honestly I'd almost be fine with that. Better than the alternative
  17. Showed my old man -a locomotive engineer- the footage of that CSX train that got dunked on and I think he has a newfound respect for naders now
  18. Some serious drought busting going on in Naperville
  19. That's what I'm saying. Especially since it's Christmas right after, I'm not getting my hopes up, even as a weenie. And yeah, it's a tragedy that the next warmup is gonna be stratus purgatory rather than beautiful sun
  20. Now to see if this one actually holds together for 250 hours. Seeing how the last twelve have gone...
  21. Too bad it's gonna be dark at 2pm so any chance of watching is non existent
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