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Everything posted by phoenixny

  1. No one reporting anything under 1/2 mile at 9pm for NWS stations.
  2. Team Wayne Mahar has not budged on totals. 10 to 16 for us. Kinda a big deal with locals. Teske/Mahar amounts. 10-16 vs 18+
  3. We don't need that! Busting your balls a bit on that one. I want one damnit.
  4. I have been drinking so trust your measurements more than mine. We are close and it's not lake effect. Lmao
  5. Hell yea! Measured 5" in Phoenix and winds are increasing. Mother load incoming!
  6. Yes it is! Trends are for the Thruway corridor to get smoked! Enjoy everyone.
  7. Hey Wolfie, Is that NCEP product using 10 to 1 ratios? Just curious.
  8. Knew that but not sure why the test 6 hr stuff shows up on your but not Pivotal. Doing something wrong. Thanks!
  9. Am I stupid? I don't see the test stuff when I check Pivotal.
  10. Great question! Not sure if they change it to Blizzard Warning or if changes within the WSW output.
  11. Have learned over the years you don't need super low pressure to get heavy snow but expected this to go under 990. Rapid intensification type stuff. Not in the cards for bombo I guess but maybe when over Atlantic. Think it's gonna look like a beaut on satellite though!
  12. Are we dealing with a lot of dry air to start on this?
  13. I have always thought that it needed to be sustained at 35 with higher gusts. Thanks for clarifying.
  14. They should of delayed. Bad call, so will close for sure on next one. My wife said many parents bitched at directly to Super.
  15. Buy you and Ty a beer at Duskies if no county goes to Blizzard Warnings by Sunday morning. Ha! All states included!!!
  16. Bitched so many times at New England Blizzard Warnings that never verify! We might have our chance during the next three weeks as someone just posted. I still have a kid at PCSD asking me on Tuesday snow day potential!!!
  17. I hear ya but not gonna right it off completely as there is massive hype, and have seen blizzard warnings before that never verify for Oswego and Otsego County. Last one for me was 93 which verified. Long time. Wish this was down to a 980 in southwest Pa. Gonna be fun none the less.
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