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Everything posted by sauss06

  1. i'm at numero 2 I could not own a mower like that. No place to put a beer that i can see
  2. fire it up, run it up and down your driveway, kinda like practice runs. Never hurts to train. You'll be ready for 2024
  3. Large scale, multi-county response of a mountain fire in Monroe Township Cumberland into York County. Calling for air tankers.
  4. 1 flash of lightning and 1 loud clap of thunder was enough to light up my room and sit me straight up, just before my 5am alarm went off.
  5. Some guy in a restaurant the other day just walked up and said " Nice Mustache" i thought my daughter was going to fall off her chair I'm a huge supporter. I'm probably around 20 18V Ryobi tools and several 40V, including a push mower
  6. No, but i need to. Have to clean the yard up of sticks and pine cones first
  7. I read that as you smoked weed 20 minutes before lunch
  8. this is the one that will hit. Its opening week of HS Baseball/softball. Book it now, this will be the one for us
  9. found another last night for your viewing pleasure https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6SQzSRFgWDs
  10. can we just move on to the grass cutting part of our lives............................PLEASE
  11. I believe my evening will be spent watching youtube videos from out there
  12. this will make Mike @Itstrainingtimesmile.......I turned the heat off to my bedrooms. That heat had not kicked on since the cold around Christmas. speaking of ski resorts, i heard one of the resorts out west, could for the first time ever, not close one day for an entire year.
  13. My Temp has gone up to 37, but it feels colder then it did at 530, it feels damp out. Flurries have started in Harrisburg.
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