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Everything posted by sauss06

  1. Looks like i missed the action on Sunday. We went to watch the Buc's vs giants in Pittsburgh. My phone was blowing up with storm related calls and several houses struck by lightning.
  2. Next week will be nicer. I just heard chance of severe weather later
  3. you guys going to see the royal baby? Enjoy your trip!
  4. we're under a red flag warning for most of us in the Susquehanna valley
  5. The rain smacking the house woke me up at 3, sounds like sleet hitting the house.
  6. No turning back for me now, i cut my grass yesterday afternoon. After the smell of fresh mowed lawn, i'm in full spring mode now fellas. So theres going to be like a 25 degree swing in temperature from Saturday High to Sunday High? Sunday-Monday looks like soakers
  7. I've been waiting for this 70 degree weather since February
  8. I parked my Tahoe outside last night as i was working on a large project in my garage. The damn doors were frozen this morning. It looked like huge ice chunks frozen on my windshield too. I wasn't a happy camper this morning.
  9. I'm hearing its snowing in Mechanicsburg. So much for mowing my lawn this afternoon.
  10. exactly. Lets have a little spring before we bake.
  11. i'm pretty certain with the couple day stretch of nice weather we coming up, i'm not going to be interested in snow.
  12. wow, that was a big south shift. What a crazy, wild ride this year has been.
  13. The wind hasn't stopped blowing in like 5 months, or so it seems.
  14. I'm at the point i need sun. All this dampness, my arthritis is killing me. And my yard is so saturated when the dog runs he just rips the grass up. Its fricking pouring in Harrisburg
  15. Its like shoveling concrete. I need a beer after the shoveling, not to early for a beer is it? Asking for a friend
  16. Yeah, i don't remember. I even ask my brother as we both played on several softball teams back then and he didn't recall it either. He was pretty nutty and would have been pissed missing games.
  17. Thats fantastic, thank you. Though i was 19, i don't really remember April 1982, but i bet people were pissed off with almost 10" snow in a couple days
  18. I can remember a few times over the years we had snow in April, but i can't remember specifics. Other then maybe a squall.
  19. We packed up and left. Half my family went to my uncles in Tennessee and the other half went to my grandparents in SC. You remember nobody, especially the media didn't really have a grasp on what was going on. I remember watching the news at my uncles place and they made it sound like it was total devastation. I was young too, a soph. and totally didn't get it. My dad was the toughest guy i ever knew and i still recall watching the tears run down his face and said we'll never go home. I only ever saw tears in his eyes 2 times, that was one of them. It was scary times.
  20. sounds like a red hot poker https://www.highcountrygardens.com/perennial-plants/kniphofia/kniphofia-uvaria-hybrid-mix?adpos=1o9&scid=scplp3840&sc_intid=3840&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIi_KLkpON2gIVmYuzCh1NoQH4EAYYCSABEgKjMvD_BwE
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