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Posts posted by Maxim

  1. 36 minutes ago, Hoosier said:

    One noticeable thing today was the dewpoint pooling ahead of the front.  Unlike the past couple days, dews continued to creep up at ORD through the afternoon instead of flatlining/lowering.  But MKE/RFD had dews around 70 and both still managed to tag 100.  As far as June precip, RFD has been relatively dry this month, but MKE hasn't.

    Sometimes it's hard to come up with an explanation for why one place hits 99 and another hits 100.  :arrowhead:

    Because the sensor at ORD is garbage

  2. 3 hours ago, Powerball said:

    Manf of the ensembles do show decent troughing too, though not to the extent of the OP.

    Maybe for the Northern Plains. Looks seasonable for the Midwest/Ohio Valley after the upcoming torch. Speaking of which, the new 18z run is a wall-to-wall torch from start to finish, goes to show how unreliable the OP is.

  3. 25 minutes ago, Powerball said:

    Long range GFS has really been trolling you guys.

    I'm sure it will eventually back off some on the extent of the troughing and cooler air, but still...

    The long range GFS has a cold bias from what I can tell and is usually an outlier compared to other models and even its own ensembles.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Hoosier said:

    I wonder if it's really cold biased or if it's moreso that it lost the warm bias that it had on daytime highs.  Chi Storm would remember better than me but I believe there was a period of time where there was a lot of construction happening around the ob site.  I think the ob location also moved to a different location on the airport grounds, so maybe that is a factor?

    This is pretty telling...


  5. 8 hours ago, CheeselandSkies said:

    Can it please stop being mostly overcast and in the 30s/40s?

    I don't get how even after a relatively mild winter with our snowpack nuked by the end of the first week of March, proper spring still takes forever to get here.

    People wanting to get out and "social distance" in 60s-70s and sunshine are gonna have to wait another 3-4 weeks at the least, and that's not gonna be pretty.

    Think you should move further south. Temps are running nearly 5 degrees above normal for the month thus far in Madison. Not every March can be like 2012.

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