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Everything posted by anotherman

  1. No one in particular here, but I just have to laugh when people get into arguments about the long range, like this guy everyone keeps posting about (Webb). It changes drastically every 6 hours.
  2. Just my opinion, but anyone who uses the models to make any sort of forecast over 7 days must be out of their minds. The swings have been wild.
  3. I remember last year being very cold at Thanksgiving.
  4. My township (North Codorus) is hardcore. Trick or treat tonight is still on.
  5. There was a torch but it was short lived. Right before Christmas.
  6. All I can think of is Columbus Day weekend last year at my son's soccer tournament. High 80s and humidity. Awful. Looks like it's becoming more and more a reality.
  7. All I can think of is Columbus Day weekend last year at my son's soccer tournament. High 80s and humidity. Awful.
  8. Disgusting. Hopefully, we hang onto clouds because if we don't it's going to be unbearable later.
  9. Obviously I would prefer that, but I’m realistic.
  10. All I ask is that it's below 85 and not too humid. That's it.
  11. Interesting read.... https://news.psu.edu/story/569242/2019/04/15/research/north-atlantic-warming-hole-impacts-jet-stream#.XLXQo3XN7BY.facebook
  12. Interesting read.... https://news.psu.edu/story/569242/2019/04/15/research/north-atlantic-warming-hole-impacts-jet-stream#.XLXQo3XN7BY.facebook
  13. I think it’s over guys. I saw 3 groundhogs today (waking up from hibernation) and the sap run is ending (trees are entering spring mode). I know we can still get snow in late March, but it just doesn’t look likely at this point.
  14. My boys and I make a pile of it close to the north side of the house to minimize the sun it gets. We try to make it last as long as possible.
  15. While I love snow anytime, I agree that this new pattern of March cold and snow is bizarre.
  16. Absolutely correct. And a lot of people have no memory or weren't alive in the late 80s/early 90s when we couldn't buy a winter storm.
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