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  • Location:
    Bretton Woods, NH, 1560 ft asl

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  1. Hey Alex.  Cam image is perfect today, well as far as the lighting part  goes.  From time to time the clouds lift enough on Mt Washington that it looks like the cone is whitened.  Looked at the observatory cam and the rocks are white with rime ice and looks like a bit of snow at the top.  

    Beautiful day up here but a strong NW wind that makes my 56F seem much colder.

    Perhaps interesting tropical weather coming up.  Computer models want to develop a system way out in the Mid Tropical Atlantic.  Should keep moving west all this upcoming week and then turn north.  Develops into a big hurricane.  Yesterday the models had it turning north into the Gulf.  Today turning north quicker, into Florida or up the East Coast or maybe even missing the US and curving out to sea.  8 days away so fantasy land time period.  Something for me as a weather nerd to watch!

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